Piramid Puzzle ( race)

  • Rating: 7.8

Reviews and comments

    Violet CLM Posted more than 21 years ago


    A fairly short level with few obstacles. The whole thing, except for the “last obstacle” can be breezed through in 30 seconds, with very little thought spent on getting around stuff. The most difficult part of this first stretch is at one point there’s a small hole in it.
    It gets a bit more difficult on the second lap, or for anyone who’s not the server (the level has to be played in Race to work, so the host goes over everything first). There’s a little collapse scenery in the level, which is faster then the route under it, but not by a lot.
    Ok, the “last obstacle” consists of (wait for it) PLATFORMS. As in swinging platforms. Which only work in cooperative on the internet. And you can’t play this level in cooperative, as it uses set lap warps. So you’re forced to play it on one computer if you want to race in it.
    The layer 4 eyecandy’s pretty good, except for the pillars that sit on top of collapse scenery, but there’s practically nothing other then that.

    I’ll give it a 7, because it is playable under one condition, and also race levels are rare. Would have probably gotten a higher rating if the “last obstacle” was different. (very VERY hard.. hehehehe)

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    JmaN FoR Posted more than 21 years ago


    Yeah….Violet did a very good rating and I also think it deserves a 7. For all the same reasons as Violet said. Needs to be a little bit HARDER on the last obstacle. Keep CREATING. Races are very very rare these days. OH WAIT, Violet already said that….oops. shesh. ;p
    PeacE EAZZiE.

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    snorky Posted more than 21 years ago


    Cool… I think the eyecandy is very good and all the obtackles are very original.[This review has been edited by snorky]

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    Master Cheater Posted more than 21 years ago


    Cool and Nice

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    JechT Posted more than 21 years ago


    Nice job intill you get to the very last obstical because the last one is not to Jazz equiped because jazz dosn’t have a double jump so fix that and your set!

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    Ðx Posted more than 21 years ago


    Nice race

    just like the lve episode

    1-good eyecandy
    2-good obstacels
    3-good ammo placed ( freezers aka tnt )

    a 9.5 from me

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    Blackraptor Posted more than 21 years ago


    cracks knunckles
    A race level by Jaws, review

    Layout/Gameplay: A lot of the level basically has you running over collapse scenery, and a bit of climbing/falling and platform hopping as well. The obstacles aren’t really all that original (but I’ll discuss that later), and you appear to have forgot to place one ways under the spikes at the end, so now you can get stuck there under them, same with the masked green snakes popping up from the ground, and any other masked things popping up from the ground. The ‘last obstacle’ doesnt work in MP (evil jj2 programmers) so you have to host is as race, and that sucks.

    Eyecandy: Very little of it. Firstly, making a level based on only one setting of the lost viking world (space, dino place, cave place, egypt, weird place, candy place etc whatever I forgot) isnt such a good idea because you will get a limited supply of tiles to use. Limited tiles = limited eyecandy = limited rating ;P. The backround, firstly, is very repetetive,you could’ve put something new in it or at least some backround eyecandy to cover it up. The eyecandy in the walls is a bit boring, the same tiles used over and over again. There is at least a variety of brick tiles you could’ve spread out in the walls, or put something interesting in them like maybe the quicksand, water or lava pools, or some l4 ground with crypts/torches. Be creative ;D.

    Placement of stuff: A few packets of random freezer ammo placed in random areas. It could be alright for some people, but I think its too few. Next time, try putting a bit more in areas, and maybe put a larger variety of ammo, like Freezer, TNT, maybe something else if you want like seekers.

    Originality: Not really. I’ve seen most of these (including the last obstacle0 done many times before, but that part with the mummy is cool (how it jumps out, walks etc) so that brings the rating of this up a bit.

    Overall (not an average): Its an alright level, it just needs some work, and perhaps another last obstacle (I had that same problem with ‘Cat Maze’ where my platforms wouldnt appear in multiplayer so I improvised and replaced them with dissapearing and reappearing blocks). And this certainly does not get a 9.5. This still has its pros, though.

    RATING TIME >||:
    Layout/Gameplay: 6.3
    Eyecandy: 6.2
    Placement of Stuff: 6.5
    Originality: 7
    Overall (not an average): 7.5 (I feel nice =P)
    Final rating is….takes out calculator: 6.7, rounded to….6.7! The level is alright, but needs some spiffing up. Next time, a better tileset choice could help, as well as more eyecandy and MP functioning objects. Race levels are rare these days though, so you get a +0.3 for making one ;D. Download reccomended to race level fans, and maybe to others who have enough free time. 7.

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    Bluespaz7 22 Feb 2008, 18:47

    5.5Not recommended:

    Bleh, not good. :/
    Too many obstacles = not good for race


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    blurredd Posted more than 21 years ago

    Too bad that last obstacle won’t work online…

    _Jaws Posted more than 21 years ago

    c’mon give it a rating…

    Me and Madness made this level because race levels are rare…

    I never reviewed my own levels…
    Snorky is my brother, he has no E-mail adress. And you can’t submit yourself to J2o without an E-mail adress.
    if you dont belive me check the photo’s, there are pics of me and Snorky.[This review has been edited by _Jaws]

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    Sacrush Posted more than 21 years ago

    This is a funny race level!!!
    not to short not to long.
    Good animations like that viking that gets shocks.I think this is a good race level.

    (Do not rate the levels of people you know higher. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

    ~[GpW]NinjA Posted more than 21 years ago

    I checked Snorky and _Jaw’s emails and they incredibly resemble each other.

    _Jaw’s, quit rating your owns levels.