Dimension 1

  • Rating: 3.6

Reviews and comments

    Violet CLM Posted more than 21 years ago


    Size 1289.56. 97 downloads. 0 reviews. Something must be up.

    STORY: Once pretty day jazz and his brother watched news from television.But suddenly they noticed
    Something weird.their beautiful carrottus turned full of devans henchmen.so jazz and spaz went
    to eliminate devan and devil bilsy. It goes downhill from there – you end up in a house in Hotel Dream, with a sign that tells you no text. Finally, RIGHT before the end, there is some text, but I had to play it twice to be able to read it.
    Pros: There is a story.
    Cons: Little to do with the levels, hard to get more information on.
    Rating: 3.0

    Sorry. Just had to get that out. The background consists of a layer 8 with nothing but stained glass windows, and no other layers. (Hotel Dream, obviously, was different – it was actually used ok). There are quite a few tile bugs.
    Pros: The Hotel Dream level (House1.j2l, by the way, is the first level) uses the tileset without making it look bad.
    Cons: The background, the foreground, and layer 4 as well (in the castle levels)
    Rating: 3.0

    WEAPON/ITEM/ENEMY PLACEMENT: Not too many items, practically no weapons, not many enemies.
    Pros: Not applicable.
    Cons: Practically none of these.
    Rating: 1.7

    ORIGINALITY: The Boss level is actually kind of original. There are quite a few platforms, and you fight the Queen on one of them. Sadly, this idea is under developed, and once you defeat the Queen, you can’t even complete the level. Or if you can, I couldn’t find any way to.
    Pros: Some originality.
    Cons: Not too well carried out, lack of originality in other levels.
    Rating: 2.0

    DIFFICULTY: The main difficulty in this pack (other then standing the horrible background) is trying to figure out where to go next. The main level (which is afterwards repeated, only in Castle Night) is a non-linear level with a few trigger crates, but once I hit them, I couldn’t find any way out, and was condemned to wander forevermore. ;)
    Pros: Not applicable.
    Cons: The author went about at creating difficulty in entirely the wrong way.
    Rating: 1.2

    REPLAY VALUE: The only reason I wished to play any of these levels again was for the Hotel Dream one, so I could read what the text said that was so close to the exit. Wait.. I tell a lie. Parts of the main level were kind of fun.
    Pros: Not applicable.
    Cons: Not applicable.
    Rating: 2.2

    OVERALL (not an average): Icky. The exits are hard to find or don’t seem to work, the next level setting for the first level is wrong (what is this “dim1.j2l”? I see a dim3…), and the eyecandy is bad.
    Pros: Ummm…… thinking………… well, parts of the main level are good, and the boss level is fairly interesting. And again, Hotel Dream was used kind of accurately.
    Cons: Eyecandy, lostness, next level setting, exits, text.. should I go on?
    Rating: 2.5

    VERDICT: (no idea why I put this in here) You probably shouldn’t download this.
    PROS OF HAVING A VERDICT: Not applicable.
    CONS OF HAVING A VERDICT: It just makes me repeat things.
    Rating: Not applicable. It just makes me repeat things. Not applicable. It just makes me repeat things.
    VERDICT… wait. Never mind.

    Did you think this was a good review? Yes/No

    Superjazz Posted more than 21 years ago


    D*mn! I rated this yesterday with a long rewiew but just a few seconds before I pressed the submit button, my computer tilted, so I don’t wanna write it again so here’s the overall points:
    5.2 :P This is an average level, try to practice lad.[This review has been edited by Superjazz]

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    MazeMan 18 Mar 2006, 08:01

    Could someone send me dimension1 file, because I have lost one.