Insanity (official version)

  • Rating: 5.5

Reviews and comments

    Violet CLM Posted more than 21 years ago


    The reason this pack takes up so much space is that it includes two music files, one of which is just huge, and the other of which is large. The credits level (which seems to be some sort of impersonation of the Cartoon Episode by Satan (or Lost Vikings Somethingorother)’s credits) says “Music choice by Jersey Devil”.
    Anyway, the main feature of this .zip is the single player level, using “the cartoon tileset” by Satan. The author doesn’t use it all that well, and as a result, the level looks even worse then the best that can be done with this tileset. Everything is either layers 4 or 8, and layer 8 consists of light blue with white circley shapes (clouds).
    So what’s the level like? Medium sized (good size for a first level) straight fowardness. You fight a few enemies, avoid a few spikes (some of which have the wrong event… never use “hurt” on sideways spikes), and even have to be careful in some places. The level switches between the factory and outdoors areas of the tileset, and uses a few tiles from each of them.
    I have no idea what the music was like, as I don’t care for music myself and don’t bother to turn it on if I happen to be playing with it off.
    The best parts of this level? Where you climb up on destruct scenery (taken from “the cartoon episode”), and the place where there are actually two paths.. admittedly one is a trick dead end.
    While it’s fairly good for a first level, it’s not all that good.. oh, and please choose a different tileset if you plan to make a level.

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    Shiverz Posted more than 21 years ago


    This is good you fight a few baddies. Theres that horribly hard boss at the end. The music is ok so 5.5


    Jazz Jackrabbit 1 Forever

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    spazz Posted more than 21 years ago


    Hey, this is good for your first level. Okay, heres my review.


    The gameplay whas nice, only a bit difficult at some parts, and don’t put a hurt event at sideway spikes. It not get’s boring and thats good. The level whas big for your first level. In the level you have to stomp and search in holes, but theres no story in it, and thats to bad. At a point theres a down market, I thougt I’v got to go in there: Wrong! I walked to the left and I go to the H-pole and then: Poing! I whas bounced back! A nice idea. Overall: the gameplay whas good. The shooting upwards whas fun.

    Man! The eyecandy is realy great for the first level. That ,,Jersey” animating title is funny. But I found a few eyecandy bugs, but every first level have that. The factory and the underground whas good. Only, as Violet CLM said before, use an other titleset for your first level.


    Bad, to much candy at one point and to much purple gems, only one power-up: the blaster. And to much gems at one point. There are to less carrots in the level, for the rest, theres nothing left. Far to less.


    A little to much. In this level you’ll find: Demon, Doggy Dog, Skeleton, Bat, Bum Bee, Lizard, Helmut, Dragon, Sucker, Float Lizard, Dragon Fly, Bee Boy, Monkey, Norm Turtle and the Bolly Boss. Strange placemtent of enemies, don’t you think?

    Medium, the level wasn’t that difficult.


    I’v realy enyoud the level, a 6 and a download reccomdend for people bored and want to play a quik level. Good for your first level, Jersey-devil! But next time, use an other titleset will ya? The download is a little much. P.S.: I’v realy anyoud the music! ( I din’t say anithing about the credits level, but thats okay, hm?)

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    destroy Posted more than 21 years ago

    My speed of connection doesn’t allow me to download this file, other people may have the same problems, so try to decrease the size, if it’s possible.
    (though i haven’t rights to tell you this, ‘cause my level pack takes 1.4mb:D)

    Bjarni the real one Posted more than 21 years ago


    (Rating removal. Warm! -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]