Rainy Rampage +Eyecandy

  • Rating: 7.3

Reviews and comments

    Newspaz Posted more than 21 years ago


    I feel this level is a little bit easy to walk through, for a CTF that is. Also the level has a lot of small paths, which can make it dificult to navigate through. The weapon choice is pretty good, but I do think two powerups is to much for a level this size. Personally I hate power-ups. So it’s just my opinion :).

    Conclusion: Nothing to special, but it shouldn’t keep anyone from playing it online one, two maybe even three times ;)

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    Shen Posted more than 21 years ago


    This looks and plays like a good CTF level. However, it’s just a bit…small. You find yourself in the same area over and over again, and it can get pretty crowded in some games.

    Anyway. The eye-candy is on the whole good, I couldn’t find anything wrong with it in there. You don’t see much of the background layers, but it’s the standard fare and is done well. There are also some nice details with wooden poles and plants growing. Good job.

    Apart from its size, this is a fairly good CTF level. However, it’s only fairly good. It could’ve been a lot bigger, maybe with a secret or coin warp. Currently the ammo placement is fine, but there’s two powerups (bouncy and seekers) out in the open there, which could be a bit much for such a small level.

    Overall, this isn’t really anything special. There’s nothing wrong with it – the wall bug isn’t there, the eye-candy is fine, the ammo can be accessed easily enough – but the main gripe I have with it is that it isn’t big enough. Good job with your first CTF level though :)[This review has been edited by Shen]

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    American Posted more than 21 years ago


    I beta tested this quite a bit, and I must say that this is fairly impressive for a first Capture the Flag level. Regardless of this fact, it lacks the polish that comes with experience, and this brings down the quality of this relatively small Capture the Flag level significantly. Regardless, it shows a lot of promise and I hope that Ninja will keep making more levels.

    GAMEPLAY: Gameplay was more or less standard. The flow had quite a few hiccups. The one ways help this mariginally, but not enough to improve the gameplay to good levels. The layout of this level is interesting, and more resembles what you would think of as a battle level than anything else. THIS LEVEL IS SMALL. When I say small, I mean really small. This level is probably smaller than Distopia, which is a fairly tiny level in itself. The miniscule size of this level is somewhat of a pitful, too.

    EYECANDY: Eyecandy was pretty good. There was not anything that you would not expect in a Swamps of the Sleeping Jaguar level, but it still left me wanting more. There just was not extremely creative use of eyecandy here, though it was by no means an ugly level. Since there were not many open areas, there was not any eyecandy-drained places, but for a level of this size, that is not a huge accomplishment.

    LAYOUT: Layout was really small. The entire level is probably no larger than half of Battle2. This translated as a problem in many respects, as the passages between bases were way, way, way too small. This caused definite flow problems. There were several dead ends, which is not so bad in CTF levels if they are used well, but the dead ends in this level just are not done well.

    TILE PLACEMENT: Tileset placement was good, but again, nothing special. It looks like most Swamps of the Sleeping Jaguar levels. Eyecandy was not anything special mainly because not much creativity was used in placing eyecandy in this level. Not much to say here that I have not already expressed in the “eyecandy” section. Not amazing, but good enough.

    PICKUP PLACEMENT: Pickup placement was below average. There were several powerups, too many for most Capture the Flag levels and definitely too many for a level of this size. There were few carrots for the ammount of powerups, and they all came out as more or less useless since you would just lose the life the moment you left the area in which they were. Pickup placement was badly coordinated to the rest of the level.

    OVERALL STATEMENT: This level definitely shows promise. However, in its current state, all I can say is that it is way too small with way too narrow passages to make for a good play. More or less good in eyecandy, this level suffers from a bad sense of scale that causes the passages to be far too hard to get around in. So many powerups should not be used in a level of such small size without enough carrots to make up for it. This level reminds me of a battle level, except it is way too small. Spend some time on making your levels larger and I am sure that your rating will improve vastly.

    + PROS: Looks good. Definitely shows promise.

    - CONS: Bad flow. Too many powerups. WAY TOO SMALL.

    VERDICT: A so-so Capture the Flag level in general. By no means is this great, but CTF freaks might find it worth the download. If this level were to be larger, the rating would be significantly higher. However, for now, I have to give it a 6.5 and a download recommendation only for Capture the Flag fans. Though this level definitely has some good sides, it has far too many pitfalls.

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    VeggieMan Posted more than 21 years ago


    Layout/Gameplay: Excellent.

    This level is very easy to learn. Which in my books is a great thing. Very Easy to move around in which makes for great game play. The only problem is you wouldn’t want to have more then maybe 8 to 10 people playing the level. Best for 4 on 4 I would say.


    Good enough. I don’t really know the tileset all that well. But the level looks sexy.


    There were the weapons I love to use in the level which is good. Maybe not enough of them. I found the weapons to be in funny places.

    Text Messages:

    Hilarious. Next time make a bigger level so you can add in more. Hehe.


    I think the level is good. Easy to move around in. Easy to learn. I think the gameplay and layout are more important the rest of the crap. So 7.5 I give this level. This level is best for a 4 on 4 which isn’t a bad thing Trafton. It’s ok to make smaller level. Everyone stop listening to Trafton.

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    blurredd Posted more than 21 years ago


    I don’t really feel like reviewing this right now, but I’m just going to get it over with.


    A small level with a semi-cramped layout. I guess it’s almost balanced. It’s not bad for a first CTF level. The flow is alright, but why the stump with the float ups around it? It’s like ever since EvilMike used it in that one level, everyone wants to copy it. I can’t say that it kills the gameplay, but just find it a little annoying sometimes. Also, there are some useless areas throughout the level that should have been fixed before (I say don’t bother and move on to a new level).


    The eye candy is a little different for a swamp level. I kinda like the feel, but it could be much better. I was a little annoyed with the unnecessary usage of the 3rd layer and the trees placed in the foreground. In the level, I also found some tiling errors like with the abrupt change from light colored grass to darker grass.


    I almost like the carrot placement. I think (due to the fact Ninja doesn’t even know for sure) there are only 2 carrots: one full energy and one +1. The full energy carrot, located in the bottom middle and only accessible with a warp, is placed alright. But the +1 carrot is on the right side of the level which could unbalance the gameplay a bit. There could be another carrot on the other side, but even if there was, that wouldn’t change my rating too much. And I almost forgot about ammo: I can live with it, but it doesn’t help the level much. Similar applies to the powerups.


    Maybe host it if you get really bored. 6.7 is the rating. (and yes, I reviewed this after d/l’ing your “Last update”)

    Edit: My review is slightly upgraded to a 7.0 because of better eye candy. If you update this again, I’m not changing my rating. BTW, this makes you a liar. What happened to your “Last update”?[This review has been edited by BlurredD]

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    Blackraptor Posted more than 21 years ago


    Ok, here goes.

    The level is fairly small, and it uses agama’s awesome set. The music is ok, could of been better or could of been worse, but its on the positive side. The eyecandy can get confusing and its a bit overused, but its ok. Ammo placmeent is a bit boring, and the seeker is in a dead end. The carrot placement is a bit biased. There is one plus 1 carrot (at least thats all ive found)and one fullengergy accesed by warp, the carrot placement is a bit biased, since the +1 carrot is closer to one base than the other,while the fullenergy is closer to the other base, making them have a bigger advantage. Ninja tried to make the carrot placement even, but failed. Not all sides of the level are covered, so a flag bug is possible. Also, what blurredD said about the ground is true.
    Ill give this level a 7, because its ok. but doesnt strike me as much as some other CTf levels.

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    4I Falcon Posted more than 21 years ago


    An excellent level. A tad cramped, yes, but verra good nonetheless. Excellent tileset choice, good music… well, music that probably would befit a swamp CTF level, anyway… This is an excellent duel or 2v2 level, as it is small, but for the small size there is enough eyecandy to keep my brain on a sugar rush for a week and a half. About the only con I can find with it is that sometimes one could get confused with the ground in the sprite layer and the ground in the foreground layer.

    Other than that, all my 8.5 are belong to this. (God, I did not just say that…)

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    Hamtaro Posted more than 21 years ago


    Well…The tile set is VERY good. This level is a good two-player battle game. I think it is very fun.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Shiverz Posted more than 21 years ago


    Its Nice . But the music creeps me out :(


    Jazz Jackrabbit 1 Forever

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    destroy Posted more than 21 years ago


    Recommendation for downloading: Curtainly Yes.

    Well, it’s the best designed level that i’ve seen among 20 latest at least. It looks powerfull and very interesting.
    At first i wanted to decrease the rank due to one thing: when i entered this ctf level in singleplayer mode to look
    at design work in general, i couldn’t do it, ‘cause you didn’t put jazzstart event for singleplayer mode, that’s why jazz appeared inside the solid surface and couldn’t move. (it’s more difficult to check out general level design in two-screen mode.) But i think, if it is multiplayer game then let it be multiplayer game, single mode doesn’t play any role in it, right? Although, in future don’t forget to set single player start position. (i had the same problem with my “first and last” battle level:)

    So here is your level rank: (max = 1 point)

    1. LEVEL INTEGRITY = 0.8
    (Distance between two bases is too small)

    2. TILESET = 1.0

    3. MUSIC = 1.0

    4. LEVEL DESIGN = 1.0


    6. TEXTS = 1.0

    7. PICKUPS = 1.0

    8. EFFECTS = 0.3
    (There are no any remembered unique things, maybe just that sleeping leopard or jaguar)

    9. ORIGINALITY = 0.6
    (Background is well done, though not so unique structure)

    10. GENERAL IDEA = 0.5
    (Uniting common idea isn’t so visible)

    Cool level!, ninja. I recommend to download it, 100%.

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    ~[GpW]NinjA Posted more than 21 years ago

    I had a few minor problems, such as text being in the wrong place before 10:50 PM EST. If you downloaded before then, please re-download for latest version.

    Edit:Thanks for the reviews. :)[This review has been edited by ~[GpW]NinjA]