Battle In The City!
The level is not actually called ‘Battle In The City!” but ‘Battle en Ville’. I know, this means exactly the same but it’s still different.
There aer lots of tile bugs, there’s an overuse of ammo and the gameplay is bad. Besides, it’s edited.
Bad ammo placement, unoriginal, edited
One original idea, the ‘jumping crates’.
Don’t download this unless you are really really bored.
3.2[This review has been edited by Electric Ir]
Posted more than 21 years ago
The author states that “he found an old level” and edited it: well, actually its “abattle1.j2l” that comes with every TSF (as far as i know).
Of course, it doesn’t use a custom tileset as stated in the Level info above but my favourite tileset ever, which is called Town.
However, “MrPlonker”/“hac2k” and his friend (“Annihilator”/“Nimrod”) tried to make some changes, most of them on layer 4.
Although there are some fun ideas (the “dancing” crates) and some more significant edited places, i don’t like the weapon placement and the tile placement/design that much.
Maybe i’ll rate this someday. Rating would be lower than 4 points. Sorry.
I’m with Aiko here…
You shouldn’t edit levels, it just shows the world how desperate ya are to get some respect for level quality.
I see too many people editng the original lvls. And usually they all turn out the same. Try to be creative next time. (Dont worry, i’m not dissing you or anything)
Posted more than 21 years ago
Just like the others said:
Do not edit original jj2 levels!
Posted more than 21 years ago
Sorry but edited levels really.. eh you know what they do ;)