Dreaded Sewer CTF

  • Rating: 7.8

Reviews and comments

    blurredd Posted more than 21 years ago


    This is a symmetrical CTF level. And this is my review:


    It isn’t bad, but I don’t like it much at all. It’s not too easy to get around, and the layout looks plain and boring. I can’t say making the level symmetrical was a bad idea. It’s definitely more balanced as your other levels, but I still feel the gameplay and the layout could be much better. It seems squared off in many places and very little choice of routes in others (like at the bottom near where the carrot is). I also advise not to use destruct scenary too often since it’s nearly pointless and slows players down. And the best way to avoid the spring glitch is to not use horizontal springs at all. Most levels don’t need them for good gameplay so yours shouldn’t either. Also, at the bottom left and right, there shouldn’t be those springs and pole where there is pepper spray. It impedes gameplay and it isn’t worth going out of the way.


    It’s nothing special, nor is it that good. The eye candy is basic, but the foreground is a little nuisance and the background could have been designed better (unless if the tileset is more limiting than I thought). When I make my levels, I always choose a good tileset where making good eye candy won’t be too hard. The tileset you used definitely isn’t one of Disguise’s best, so my best advice is to use more popular tilesets (even if you’re against that). This can help you get higher ratings with your levels.


    I would guess there are two +1 carrots and one full energy carrot. Not bad, except you can get both +1 carrots easily, though that’s not that big a deal. Ammo placement could use some work, but the powerups aren’t placed badly. You should spread +3 ammo more throughout the level and seldomly use crates and/or barrels.


    I’m thinking no. A 6.7 is what I’m going to rate this. This level is not even set to loop. I do like this level more than the prior ones, though.

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    PT32 14 Sep 2008, 17:56


    This is a nice level! Good tileset, great graphics, good music, the level rocks. However, it is a bit small, and the routes btwn bases are fairly easy. Almost too easy. But anyway. This is a good level, virtually no bugs, good amts of pickups, nice sucker tubes, it flys well.
    But I am concerned about the small layout, and the easy-to-memorize routes. But this is not big, and it gets a dl rec.

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    American Posted more than 21 years ago (edited 6 Aug 06, 12:47 by Cooba)

    I can not review this level since the author did not include the tileset in the upload. Please upload it with the tileset.

    TILESET/TILESET USE: Not applicable.
    Pros: Not applicable.
    Cons: Not applicable.
    Rating: Not applicable.

    WEAPON/ITEM PLACEMENT: Not applicable.
    Pros: Not applicable.
    Cons: Not applicable.
    Rating: Not applicable.

    ORIGINALITY: Not applicable.
    Pros: Not applicable.
    Cons: Not applicable.
    Rating: Not applicable.

    GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: Not applicable.
    Pros: Not applicable.
    Cons: Not applicable.
    Rating: Not applicable.

    REPLAY VALUE: Not applicable.
    Pros: Not applicable.
    Cons: Not applicable.
    Rating: Not applicable.

    COMPATIBILITY: Not applicable.
    Pros: Not applicable.
    Cons: Not applicable.
    Rating: Not applicable.

    OVERALL: Not applicable.
    Pros: Not applicable.
    Cons: Not applicable.
    Rating: Not applicable

    OVERALL RATING (Not an average): Not applicable. Reupload this with the tileset included, please.

    EDIT: Reuploaded a fixed version. Final rating 7.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

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    Blackraptor Posted more than 21 years ago

    Thnx, i always seem to forget things. Anyways, the file is reuploaded with the tileset, and Ive fixed one mistake which I forgot to fix before.