• Rating: 3.7

Reviews and comments

    Cmdr Dats Posted more than 21 years ago


    hmm, okay level for a first.. but zero eyecandy, only layers 4 and 8 were used.. the secret gold-coin room.. well yeah, i admit, i had to go edit the level to find it (norty me :D)..
    anyways, prolly a nice little level for those of you with absolutely nothing to do and since i can’t test this out multiplayer, i won’t comment that the playability is sticky at best.. whoops.. ::grin:: Mew, u should’ve tried a single player level with puzzles.. add much more eyecandy though (go on, use those layers, don’t be shy), tone down the flickering, give the player space to breathe in and forget hotels… :D


    BTW : this is my first ever rating.. i decided, 2night i’m gonna start rating levels.. and this just happened to be the newest upload.. heheh.. darn.. :)

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    Genotoxin aka iCeD Posted more than 21 years ago


    A pretty simple little hotel level using the overused Mez01 set… All the text strings were written in CAPS, and there was no eye candy at all, the effect in the swimming pool was annoying, I admit.

    Overall I can’t give a d/l recommendation to this, sorry. :-)

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    Payback CC Posted more than 21 years ago


    Bad eyecandy. No good structure. It’s annoying to play. Does a GOOD hotel exist?

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    aiko Posted more than 21 years ago


    As you probably know, i am not a fan of Hotels. Or lets put it this way: i don’t like them at all :-)
    However, i took a look a "MEW HOTEL" (all that CAPS use gets really annoying) and found out that there is a lot of things that should be improved.
    The design is kinda confusing/boring, and makes the level quite unplayable and the layer work is nonexistant, as Disguise already stated.
    MEZ1 is pretty easy to use and/but the level still looks very blocky and simple. Sorry, i don’t see a proper reason to give a download recommendation here. Low three points.

    P.S.: There are "better" hotels (i’m a bit afraid of using the word "better" here).

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    mrplonker Posted more than 21 years ago


    IM with Payback CC! Does a good Hotel level Exist? Good question! Erm………no!

    Or at least I have never seen one!
    Oh well, the level is OK for a first I suppose, but there is NO eye candy and the tileset is a bit basic! I know I made my frst level with it, but I dont really like it any more! The design on this level is a bit boring as well!

    This level can have a 4!

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    Nimrod CC Posted more than 21 years ago


    An ok hotel level

    It is mew’s first level too so he/she practiced with JCS before submitting this.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.