Swampy CTF

  • Rating: 7.5

Reviews and comments

    blurredd Posted more than 21 years ago


    This level is alright.


    The layout is good, but I question it. I can get around the level alright, but I’m not for the platforms in it. The wall jumping thing is nice, but I suppose someone could get stuck in it. It’s not that big a deal though, and I haven’t got stuck yet. What I’m really wondering about is the balance. The bases are placed in opposite cornors of the level. I guess this is alright since there is a warp near the blue base at the bottom which could occasionally take a player very close to the red base at the top (or some other random spot in the level or a +1 carrot). I can live with this (maybe).


    It’s good, just not too spectacular. But in reality, the branches are being held up by nothing and defy the laws of gravity. But that’s ok since you need those platforms and the whole game doesn’t make much sense anyway.


    Well, there are +1 carrots placed throughout the level. That’s not my favorite way to use carrots and it makes the level slightly more suited for battle mode (I more often than not end up using one or two full energy carrots). It’s not the worse thing, but you have to get used to it. Anyway, the ammo placement is alright, along with the powerups.


    Once or twice. Not too addictive. Though I definitely like this level more than your past levels. I’m thinking 7.5 as my rating.

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