Shield Stadium (update)

  • Rating: 7.1

Reviews and comments

    Violet CLM Posted more than 21 years ago


    Well, I Do happen to have the tileset, and thus am not forced to give meaningless reviews like “foo”.
    TILESET/TILESET USE: The author uses his own (I believe) Dust Hill Zone tileset, which is some sort of mythical Sonic area. Or something like that. Anyway, it is used well, as you might expect, though I still can’t say I approve of how much flipping and layer 5 is required to use the tileset.
    Pros: Everything looks good.
    Cons: No background eyecandy.
    Rating: 7.5

    WEAPON/ITEM PLACEMENT: This really varies between the levels. In level 1, there is nothing but fastfire and a blaster powerup, which are placed reasonably well. In level 2, there’s ammo and food, but not enough ammo, and too much food. Not all that strategically placed, either. As for the third level, it’s like the first level, only there’s a ton of powerups for one of the players (I might add that one of the shield players (if not more.. I didn’t check this too throughly) can steal some, if not all, of said powerups. That’s right, you get shields (usually) when you join or respawn.
    Pros: The Blaster stuff is placed well, and this section. is obviously the main idea behind these levels.
    Cons: Sadly, it’s not carried out too well, what with bugs and problems with the normal ammo.
    Rating: 7.0

    ORIGINALITY: I can’t decide if this is original or not. On the one hand, it’s just a remix of other stuff, but on the other, it does seem newish.
    Pros: None.
    Cons: None.
    Rating: N/A

    GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: The level is divided into two horizontal halves (there’s no dividing wall or anything, it just IS). The left side is a flat (ok, there are lots of slopes, but it’s still just flat) sandy surface. The other side is in the temple or whatever, and has a little more variety, but not much. There are also a whole lot of horizontal springs. As for gameplay, it looks like it could vary significantly depending on who is playing. Some people may choose to hide somewhere with the shield and then attack everyone with the blaster powerup, others may decide the whole thing is too weird and slink off to another server. Or not. Still, it should make for some interesting play, which I may or may not try to verify.
    Pros: Interesting. Looks like fun gameplay should be had by some.
    Cons: I can’t say I care for the design.
    Rating: 7.0

    REPLAY VALUE: Well, there are three different versions of the level (Beta probably being the worst), so in addition to the multiple strategies, you can play this several times, doing something new each time. Afterwards, feel free to just have some fun with your old favorites. That sounded like a tourist pamphlet.
    Pros: See above.
    Cons: Few.
    Rating: 8.2

    OVERALL (still not an average): This is an interesting idea with a bad level backing it up. The tileset is used well, but the level itself makes me think about waiting for the author to try this again.
    Pros: Looks fun, good tileset use.
    Cons: The level is just dull.
    Rating: 7.2

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    n0 Posted more than 21 years ago


    I’ll just quote what Unknown said:

    “This is an interesting idea with a bad level backing it up. The tileset is used well, but the level itself makes me think about waiting for the author to try this again.”
    Also, on the third level, not only can one of the people with the shields get all the powerups, but the person with all the powerups can get to one of the shields (via Electro blaster)
    So, Nice consept, just work on the level a bit more. I would like to see all the start pos seperated, so that everyone doesn’t start in the same place, and there ar a few dead-ends in the battle, which is not a good thing.
    All seven of the points are for the concept.


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    Fanden Posted more than 21 years ago

    When I try to start it appear that theres no tileset! please reupload it whit them.