This level has changed a lot since I originally beta tested it, for better or for worse. I am not exactly sure. However, this level does just feel a tad unfinished. Still, it is an OK Capture the Flag level and not bad for a first CTF level. It just needs some polishing.
Tileset Use: The tilset used in this level was “Lava Lamp” by Skulgh. It’s a good tileset. In this level, the tileset was used questionably in some areas. In a few places, the mountains did not look quite right. Also, the background looks a bit strange. It’s weird walking across spikes. Also, this level seems to suffer somewhat from blockiness – a lot of the used tiles are just blocks.
+ PROS: Does not look horrible.
- CONS: Blocky. Odd background.
Creativity in Tileset Use: There is not much creativity in tileset use here. Frankly, there is very little to speak of. The background looks unusual, but that’s a bad thing in this case. There are some interesting window use, but there is not anything ultra-amazing there.
+ PROS: Nothing that looks awful.
- CONS: Nothing very interesting, for that matter.
Tile Errors: It is often hard to decide whether something is a tile error or is just questionable tile use. In this case, I will have to say that there are a lot of questionable tile uses. Other than that, I suppose this measure is alright.
+ PROS: Not a huge amount of obvious tile errors.
- CONS: Questionable tile use in many places.
Carrots: There are a few carrots scattered around in the level. They are placed more or less OK, but they seem to be scattered in a fashion that did not have much thought put into it.
+ PROS: Placement was OK.
- CONS: Still seemed a bit random.
Powerups: Powerups were generally scattered randomly in plain sight. Not very good.
Basic Weapons: Basic weapon placement was not bad, actually. In fact, I thought it was rather well-done. There was a little bit of randomness to it, but not much. Well done.
EVERYTHING ELSE BECAUSE I AM LAZY: This level is pretty good for a first level. I do not think that there is much to entice players to host it a lot, but it’s still OK. It needs some polishing, but is generally not bad. Well done. My final rating is 5.2.[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]