My first battle level whit tile sets

  • Rating: 3.5

Reviews and comments

    Violet CLM Posted more than 21 years ago


    Before downloading this level (which is actually called Turtle in the Battle), I notice two things. One is that all the battle levels made by the author previously have not used tilesets. The other is that he can not be bothered to spell Hellraiser or UnKnOwN correctly.
    Before PLAYING the level, I noticed one thing. This is that the author does not know what tileset the level DOES use, and so has included two.
    I also do not have the time to give a full review for this, but it doesn’t really deserve one, anyway. It uses Hellraiser’s excellent Mario tileset (I don’t know if was in the .zip, though..), and as we all know, it is hard to make levels using Mario tilesets look bad. The tileset use is actually fairly good.
    However, other then tileset use, there isn’t too much that is good about this level. Ammo is either clumped or non existant, it’s way too flat (I have a strong suspicion the level is 256×64), and there’s little in the way of design. Did I mention the level has an enemy (the turtle in the battle) and some other events which don’t work in MP as well?
    Look, just don’t download this. I don’t feel objective right now, but it’s just not very good. Actually, if you’re good at long reviews, download this and do what I didn’t feel like doing. Long reviews make people feel goooooood.

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    Waz Posted more than 21 years ago


    Violet: before I start my review, I just want to tell you two things: 1-there are actually 3 tilesets included in the zip. 2-The author didn’t include three tilesets because he didn’t knew which one the level uses. He didn’t call the download “My first Battle level with tile setS”(note that “set” is plural here.


    This is bad. I would have given it 2, but since it’s your first, I’ll go to 3.

    This level has a very boring layout. It’s mainly very straight and empty.
    The weapon placement sux.

    a little plus: the tileset was used correctly, I think.

    Spend more time on levels and avoid emptyness and straightness.


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