I have played this online and I must say, for a first level this is quite impressive. But it still needs work.
TILESET/TILESET USE: This level uses the classic Tube Electric tileset. The worth of this tileset is somewhat debatable, as it has been used quite a bit in the past, and has gotten a bit old. This level, unfortunately, makes no attempt to make Tube Electric look any better. The eyecandy is generally all-around average, and the level takes no chances with eyecandy. There is pretty standard Tube Electric eyecandy here – nothing to write home about.
Pros: Does not look awful.
Cons: Not very interesting eyecandy. Not very interesting tileset.
Rating: 5.0
WEAPON/ITEM PLACEMENT: This is a fairly small level with slightly above average weapon placement. Some areas, weapon placement was quite good and obviously had thought put into it, but in others weapon placement was lax and clumped. All in all, this measure came out pretty much slightly above average but nothing interesting.
Pros: Not horrible.
Cons: Clumping.
Rating: 5.2
ORIGINALITY: Originality is definitely not the strongest category for this level. It uses “Tube Electric”, which is quite overused, and makes no attempts to make Tube Electric look any more interesting, nor is gameplay very well done.
Rating: N/A
GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: Gameplay and design was OK. The big problem with this level is that it is fairly small, but if you can see past that, gameplay is alright for the size. There are a lot of areas in which there was not all that much room to move around, but after you get used to the layout of this level, it is not so bad. It shows promise, but it definitely needs some tweaking before it is good enough to get a higher score.
Pros: Good layout for a battle level, sort of.
Cons: Small. Flow problems.
Rating: 5.2
REPLAY VALUE/FUN FACTOR: This level is not all that fun to play more than once. This could be because there is not any interesting eyecandy, and because the level does not provide anything new or interesting. Regardless of the reason, this level is not enjoyable to play frequently.
Pros: I suppose it is somewhat interesting.
Cons: But not really that interesting.
Rating: 4.0
OVERALL (not an average): All things considered, this level is slightly below average overall. It is not bad for a first level and definitely shows some promise, but the level needs to be larger and more original before it can stand a chance of getting a better score. Still, if you are the kind of person who enjoys seeing promising first levels, this is definitely worth a look.
Pros: Not bad for a first level.
Cons: Not all that great either.
Rating: 5.0
Flow: C -
Layout: C+
Creativity: C -
Bugs: B -
Tileset use: C
Eyecandy look: C
Creativity: C -
Bugs: B -
Weapons: C+
+ PROS: Promising for a first level.
- CONS: Not all that great. Needs some work. But keep working on levels – this definitely shows promise.
- Trafton