The author seems to not enjoy the above reviews, so I hope that this review might be considered slightly more acceptable. Regardless, I will not modify my score because of the author’s aditude, whether positive or negative.
TILESET/TILESET USE: I only have the tilesets for the first two levels, which use Carrotus and Castle. Tileset use in both of them is more or less poor and badly done. There are a few areas which look okay, but most of it generally by rule of thumb is bad. These small areas of quality do, however, show some promise, but unless the author picks a better mood when responding to friendly criticism, this potential will probably never be reached. Still, mostly, the levels feature bad eyecandy.
Pros: A few OK areas.
Cons: And quite a few really bad ones.
Rating: 2.0
WEAPON/ITEM PLACEMENT: Definitely the weakest aspect of this pack as a whole, weapon and item placement was overall quite poor. There was quite a lot of clumping going on here, and multiple powerups in the same area. There was vast underuse of basic weapondry, which makes the levels look poor as well as hurting the gameplay value.
Pros: None really.
Cons: Clumping.
Rating: 1.2
ORIGINALITY: Not original at all.
Rating: N/A
GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: Gameplay and design need work and quite a bit of it. The levels feature some fairly basic layouts in addition to being generally poor in nature. The other factors here further damage the quality of these levels, as weapon placement is somewhat important to gameplay. The level quality is poor, as well, and there are only a few areas in which much skill was demonstrated. With work, however, the author could show promise. Above all, though, they need to calm down and accept criticism on first levels, which are very rarely of any quality whatsoever. And this is no exception.
Pros: No.
Cons: Yes.
Rating: 1.2
REPLAY VALUE/FUN FACTOR: Not very fun to play.
Pros: Not really.
Cons: Yes.
Rating: 1.0
OVERALL (not an average): All in all, this is a fairly poor pack. This, however, is acceptable on the first upload. No one can be miraculously talented the first level they create, nor the second, third, and rarely fourth. There are a few exceptions to this rule, but they are rare, and generally with their own exceptions as well. Practice, as the old saying goes, very well does make better, but never perfect. If it was to make perfect, after all, my job would be significantly more tedious than it already is (aside from the repeated carpal motions it entails). This, as any first pack, shows quite a deal of untapped promise. However, it is still in nature a poor pack. More effort, and a great deal of a better position on the receiving of criticism, is required before the author can receive better ratings and improve their skill.
Pros: Shows some promise.
Cons: Poor overall.
Rating: 1.7
Flow: D -
Layout: F
Creativity: F
Bugs: D -
Tileset use: D -
Eyecandy look: D -
Creativity: F
Bugs: D
Weapons: F
+ PROS: Promising for a first level.
- CONS: Needs quite a lot of work.
- Trafton