This is an interesting Castle-based level from a relatively new levelmaker. It’s always nice to see new levelmakers, and this level definitely is promising. Regardless, it is a bit small, and does need some more work before it can be considered a full-fledged level.
TILESET/TILESET USE: The tileset used was the default “Castle” tileset by the Epic Team. Everything seemed to be put together relatively well, although there were a few somewhat questionable tile uses and the level was hard to place in a natural environment (what is it? A floating castle? What’s above it?). However, eyecandy was still nice. The Castle tileset is not exactly an amazing or underused tileset, but still this level managed to make okay use of it.
Pros: Everything seems to fit together.
Cons: Nothing amazing.
Rating: 6.0
WEAPON/ITEM/ENEMY PLACEMENT: This area probably needs some work before it can be perfected. Basic ammo placement was more or less good, but there was little powerups (which isn’t a bad thing for such a level). Other stuff was placed more or less well, with a few small inconsistincies that I noticed. Nothing big, though. Sufficient, and slightly above average.
Pros: Well placed.
Cons: Still not perfect.
Rating: 5.5
ORIGINALITY: Like many levels recently, this level is neither particurally original, nor particurally unoriginal. The level’s top eyecandy was something I have never seen before, but the rest was a pretty basic castle level. Needs more foreground eyecandy.
Rating: N/A
GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: The level is small, but what is there is enjoyable. Flow is, as always, less important in battle levels than it is in Capture the Flag levels, but this level has an okay flow. There were a few warp uses which seemed a bit odd, but nothing which hurt this level badly. Layout was good, and although the level was small, it was pretty fun to play, especially when quite a few people were playing the level at once (such as in an online environement).
Pros: Nicely done.
Cons: Small.
Rating: 6.0
REPLAY VALUE/FUN FACTOR: This level is small, but it is pretty fun to play more than once. Especially when you can get several people into the game.
Pros: N/A.
Cons: N/A.
Rating: N/A.
OVERALL (not an average): This level is very much promising. It may use a fairly bland Castle tileset and may be small, but it is nonetheless not a bad play and worthy of a look. I can not see it being hosted very often but it definitely shows promise if the level author keeps making more levels and improving. This is a fun level, more or less, though it needs some work. A better atmosphere is needed, in addition to a larger level and some light improvements. Other than that, well done.
Pros: Shows promise. Not bad gameplay.
Cons: Still needs some work. Small.
Rating: 5.7
Flow: C+
Layout: C+
Creativity: C
Bugs: B
Tileset use: C
Eyecandy look: C+
Creativity: C
Bugs: B
Weapons: C
+ PROS: Fairly fun and definitely a promising level.
- CONS: Nothing amazing, still. Small. Weird atmosphere.
- Trafton