I got an out of memory error when trying to load 2 of these, so I only got to see the “Queen” level, and I wasn’t very impressed with it. The tiling was sloppy and used all wrong, you didn’t do the tubes currectly. (You have to put the tube tiles in layer 3 too to make them work right)
The whole level is very linear and I can’t say I like it that much, sorry.
Chris u r confusing me!
if you hate yr levels why upload the to J2o when u know u wil get a low rating? and DONT DONT upload levels that took 10 mins to make, again a very VERY bad idea!
Posted more than 21 years ago
These aren’t very good levels.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Noooooooooo I put the wrong lvl’s in !!!!!!
it wasn’t ment to be that version of my queen lvl and the others bad me bad me(repeted stabbing into chest nosies).
Posted more than 21 years ago
Admins: this should better be deleted, so that the guy gets a chance to re-upload a working version.
By the way: you should calm down a bit, chris11, and spend more time on working on your levels.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Aiko I hate my lvl’s I make them in 10 mins slots everyday It ***** me off.But I have a new battle that workes only one lvl so far but hey that is a monkey with no head no arms to teeth no nose no ears……
first u say this lvl is WAY better then the rest, then u say u hate yer lvls!
what are u trying to do here?
i suggest u read my review of the jazzaberryland and read the whole of it about the lvl building stuff.