
  • Rating: 9.1

Reviews and comments

    Violet CLM Posted more than 21 years ago


    THEME: The theme is, presumably, a big space station with an evil computer which will not open the pod bay doors. Except there is no evil computer. Or a monolith. Or, for that matter, much of anything to make it feel like a space station. Yes, there’s a big (and incredibly grainy) view of Earth in the background. Yes, there are stars. But it doesn’t feel too much like a space station, and I’m not sure if it feels like anything, to tell the truth. It’s not quite a factory, a spaceship, a space station, or anything else. There is such a distinct variety of tiles it’s very hard to pin this tileset down. And I completely give up rating this area.
    Pros: N/A
    Cons: N/A
    Rating: N/A

    GRAPHICS: Here’s a hint for you: Play the included CTF level. The tileset will end up looking horrible if you only play BlurredD’s example level. But Stripe’s CTF thingy shows that the tileset actually Can look good, if you put a little time into it. That said, the graphics vary, as does most everything here. The plug and the textured background do not look paticularly good. The fans, in contrast, are simply incredible. The blocks and the light blue 3Dish platforms look good. The diagonal pipe does not. The brown stuff looks good. The 2-tile sloped blocks don’t. For the most part the graphics for this tileset are quite good, but there are several blemishes which bring down the overall quality a bit. I maintain the fans are incredible.
    Pros: Most things look good, the fans are great.
    Cons: Some things show little or no work spent on them, no shading for the 3Dish blue platform hole.
    Rating: 8.5

    INVENTORY: */!/[]/=/ blocks, hooks, sucker tubes, fans, spikes, vines, maybe belts.
    Pros: Most everything necessary is here.
    Cons: A few blocks missing, the spikes are boring.
    Rating: 8.2

    ORIGINALITY: Hmmmm. Hard to say. Some parts of this tileset are certainly original (like some of the moving stuff, the background, and the manhole like thing), and some are just very boring and seen-it-all-before-and-done-better,-too. However, the tileset is prey to a very large deal of possible original tileset use, so it gets a fairly high rating here. The possibilities factor is high, but what would you expect from BlurredD?
    Pros: Lots of possibilities.
    Cons: Some things are rather boring.
    Rating: 9.2

    COMPETITION: Well, the main competition is the earlier version (without a number) of this tileset, which had some tiles I’ll admit would have been nice if included. After that, the vast collection of space tilesets is open for inspection. This tileset is probably better then most of them, but I have to say there are also several tilesets I like more (this MAY change if I see more levels made with the tileset, maybe not), so I forgot the point I was planning to make.
    (No pros given)
    (No cons given)
    (No rating given)

    EASE OF USE: The author brags, as do several people, that the tileset is hard to use. I’ve been looking at it for a little while, and it seems all mostly straight foward, aside from the fact that way too many tiles need to be flipped. Most things are where you’d expect them to be, with a few exceptions, and while the various Inventory tiles are scattered randomly throughout the tileset, it could be worse. I do not plan to try, however, as to be honest, I can’t say I like it too much.
    Pros: Many things fit together sensibly.
    Cons: Some things do not, and some notable parts of the tileset are missing from the example levels.
    Rating: 8.0

    MASKING: Everything seems to be masked well that I’m seeing. A few too many little sloped corners for my tastes, but I suppose that can’t be helped too much.
    Pros: Masking good.
    Cons: Not too much work required to get it to be good.
    Rating: 8.7

    OVERALL: The author (BlurredD) has included four versions of the tileset, and most of the review applies to all four, but I thought I’d talk about them anyway. There’s the normal version (1), a Pink/Brown shade (2), a Green version (3), and a bad looking night area (4). They are all, in essence, the same tileset, though I think the pink/brown is probably the best. Overall, this is a good (but overrated) space (I think) tileset, with good quality but lacking an overall feel. I think I’ll go review something that doesn’t try so hard to be better then it is now.
    Pros: Most things are pretty good.
    Cons: Flaws here and there.
    Rating: 8.5

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    Arclite288 1 Mar 2011, 20:11


    Personally, I think this tileset looks WAY too good to be a first ever tileset. but I’ll take your word for it, BlurredD.

    Art Style:

    Very good in all areas, although the pink version isn’t to my taste, not that that makes any difference. Gets a good 6.8

    Diversity of Tiles:

    This knows no bounds. Almost all of the tile groups have a different use, but all of them go well together. If you want a visual demonstration of this, look at the “Pride” level in Dreamscape. Nails a staggering 9.9.

    Layer Management:

    Odyssey doesn’t seem to acknowledge layer configurations all that much, which is downright handy when making levels, because it makes equally easy work of two or three layers for the main body as it does with seven. Configure whatever you please, and you’ll do well with any setting. Gets a potent 9.5.


    Blackraptor took full advantage of this. Yes, anything that goes in space will work, as will abandoned facilities. Odyssey does all of that, and there’s no end to the detail that it can feed into a level, although it is VERY hard to master. Kudos to those who can. I give this a 9.1.


    Art Style – 6.8
    Diversity of Tiles – 9.9
    Layer Management – 9.5
    Environment – 9.1

    Total —> 8.825

    Final Rating: 9

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    Stijn Posted more than 21 years ago


    And at last. BlurredD’s Oddysey. Coming in 4 different versions, and with 5 example levels. w00h00.

    The theme of this tileset is probably a space station, since there is a pic of the earth for the background and it looks quite… metallic or something. No grass-tiles in this set. There are a lot of eyecandy tiles though; animated lights, fans, electric cords like in tubelectric, animated platforms, animated pipes, and a big bunch of other animations too. They all look awesome and are very useful. For layer 6/7 there is some 3D-ish texture with a window and it also looks good. In fact, everything looks good.
    Negative stuff? Yes. It would have been nice if there were some more blocks in the set. Now there are only 4 blocks, if I’m not wrong: a “locked” block, a blank block, a buttstomp block and a destruct block. Counter-blocks are maybe not used very often, but they should be in every tileset in my very humble opinion. Another bad thing is the userfriendlyness (or something). Or better, the lack of it. It is not always clear what the tiles can be used for. For example, I have no idea how to use the tiles in the upper left corner.

    Apart from that it is very good. I suppose you already downloaded it.[This review has been edited by Fl@$h aka BlewMeUp]

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    BlackRabite Posted more than 21 years ago


    Hmmm… wasn’t there already an oddysey tileset? I’m very certain there was, but this looks a lot different.

    Anyway, very cool eyecandy and coloring. Download reccomended.

    (Marquee removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

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    Piccolo aka SoulFirE Posted more than 21 years ago


    Well, a review from me again..
    Better make this long enough so that my rating stays, lol

    Well, most of the tiles are very well drawn. But some of the bigger objects need more tones in their shading.
    All the necessary stuff is included, but the spikes look standard, although it fits in nice.
    There is an earth to put in the background wich look pretty ugly, and I think (correct me if wrohong) that it’s not self drawn.
    Ehm.. just read the other reviews if you want to know more, there is no need to repeat everything again.

    A, good, decent tileset, can use some more originality an some more eyecandy (hmm.. perhaps I always say that, with every tileset..).

    D/L recommendation
    8.35 becomes an 8.5

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    Snowball Posted more than 21 years ago


    Very nice…

    A great tileset, good eyecandy, I don’t see any missing tiles, but kinda hard to work with (as mb said)
    anyway, very good job, BlurredD

    you’ll recieve an 8.7 from me
    and a download recommendation
    gonna make a lvl with this ;)

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    Blackraptor Posted more than 21 years ago


    Ok, I am not in the mood for long reviews, so I’ll make a short one.

    The tileset rocks.

    Ok, not that short ;P

    The tileset has many cool features, the planet in the backround really caught my attention. The fans look realistic, and the tileset looks good. The coloring was done well. I don’t like how some tiles are made, and some more things could of been added. I will probably edit this review and make it longer soon, but this is a great tileset finally uploaded by BlurredD, and you should download it.

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    Gecko Posted more than 21 years ago


    hmmmmmm reminds me of Sonic 2 Death Egg Zone. I wonder if thats where his idea came from :p.

    I say good for his tileset because
    Very detialed
    Lots o’ animations
    Good masking
    Lots o’ original stuff
    Some useful stuff

    I say Bad BlurredD as well because
    Not all tiles are other sides and require fliping, including some animating tiles
    Some not so original stuff (some stuff was taken from Sonic 2 Death Egg Zone, but it looks different).
    Some useless stuff
    Not very user friendly at first

    Even with these cons,it’s still a good tileset. Download? yes!!

    (PS BlurredD, did you realy get the idea from the Sonic 2 Death Egg? It looks so much like it.)

    (Edit: Excuse my improper grammer, but thats fixxed and hopfully no one saw that :p – Gecko)[This review has been edited by Gecko]

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    snzspeed Posted more than 21 years ago


    Hmm i really liked this tileset what comes in 4 versionS. why? because tiles are very good and so is masking. i really want give this an a 9 and im gonna give it.

    so here is my rating, 9 .have fun


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    Mike Posted more than 21 years ago


    This tileset is good enough to fi into the same rating levels as for Disguise and Agama. Was it REALLY your first tileset…wow!

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    Taz Posted more than 21 years ago


    I’m really shocked. I don’t have many words for a FIRST tileset like this..
    So read the other reviews ;P

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    Ðx Posted more than 21 years ago


    I must say blurredD its great! well done.

    nice ex-levels, but there the same ( duh…. )
    dis tileset just need an 9.5.
    i hope you make some more

    final rating an 9.5!

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    Dark_rhyhorn Posted more than 21 years ago


    Its a good tile set. VERY good for your first one but I even after seeind all the example levels I still have a hard time figureing out how I could put a level together with it.

    Good. The feel looks like some sort of space station or perhaps space platfoms like what they have in starcraft. Just a bit to dark. Oh yeah and the earth in the back round is also cool.

    No complaints here. I didn’t get stuck and it still looks good. I also liked the fore ground you had. I add a certin flavor

    All good animations. Blinking lights, and fans. All the strentghen the fact that is orbiting earth.

    Good job. You earn a star :D

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    Ragnarok! Posted more than 21 years ago

    This is probably the best tileset i have ever seen. IT RULES, JUST LIKE WINDSTORM FORTRESS! Well BlurredD is an extrememly good designer so i will review this tileset as an addition to his extremely good uploads! Here is review: Eyecandy Possibilities: My rating: 10.0 Comments: The tiles that can be put in the background look extremely nice. After seeing E-prime, I had to review this. The tiles are great seeing as they are hi-tech and really decorative! There are sucker-tubes and pipes that look really cool and again this tileset has things for each layer like 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. My comment is that this ruels like hell! Animations: My rating: 10.0 Comments: My comments are that the animations are really cool. Like in E-prime for example, the red and black animations look great. The flashing in the background you can make is excellent. Also the fans look really cool. Masking: My rating: 10.0 Comments: The masking rules and it isn’t confusting and all the tiles in this set fit together really nicely and there are no masking bugs. Again it rules. Usability: My Rating: 10.0 Comments: This tileset is really fun to use and is extremely resourceful. It has every tile you need for making a good level and this tileset is extremely good. Overall: My average rating: 10.0 Download Recomendation: Really high, you would be stupid not to download it. Build with: YES!!!

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    Messiah Posted more than 21 years ago


    Another ruxor tileset by another ruxor person. this tileset absouluty pwns. i cant write a long reveiw beause i have to go in a min . so ill try to make it a good review . this lvl has the ultimate grphics it looks so realistic.
    it has a lot things that u can use. im making a battle lvl frm this at the moment.it has so much selection of things to use, i could even create a battle pack using this tileset.i think this is one of the best tilesets on J2O plz make another one soon beacause ur tileset rules.i think everyone should be forced to download this lvl. if they dont they should get baned frm J20 . p.s just kiddin.

    [This review has been edited by messiah]

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    Spongie 28 Jul 2005, 11:19


    This tileset looks very good to me. It has enough for nice levels and other things. I can say its a good tileset and easy to use!

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    MoonBlazE Posted more than 21 years ago


    BlurredD’s Odyssey is one of the best tilesets ever imo. Throught it’s abit flat, it’s quality and possibilitys are great.
    The set isn’t very userfriendly, you should take a close look before starting up with it.
    Download recommed.

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    Lark Posted more than 21 years ago

    I think this tileset is better than “Heaven,” and I’m not kidding. People say, “Spend time on your things!” Well, BlurreD did, and here’s what you get… a perfect space tileset.

    This review is too small and has been set to N/A[This review has been edited by Newspaz]

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    Evil Hare (aka) General 12 Apr 2006, 14:00

    I really like space themes and this is problably the best i’ve seen so far. I also noticed one of the songs from UT.