Posted more than 21 years ago
I can’t believe you made something like King of the Hill after it rated so low. Anyway, I thought this was a nice level. Very small, but the idea is good. However, it wouldn’t work in multiplayer since there is no “End warp” event, it’s a single player “Area end of level” event. Soooo… there’s my suggestion. Make it actually multiplayer compatible. I could see how this would be fun, there is nothing wrong with the eyecandy for the most part.
Download? If MikeeJimbo makes an update so you can actually play it, yes.
Update, 5.5 because he fixed bugs.[This review has been edited by labratkid]
Neat idea. Really good level. I think everyone should download it.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Nice level really, I made a king of the hill level which is the one you speak of I guess. I think this is nicely done however I would like to give you some advice. As it appears to me if you are pushed off you can just spring back on. Well I think there should be some sort of time delay or coin loss as a punishment. But that is just my opinion… if you saw mine then I guess you would know what I mean (falling results in 50 coin loss etc)
Posted more than 21 years ago
It’s to small. There’s no real action in it. But there is a nice idea of gameplay: You have to collect 100 or 50 coins(don’t know what it exactly was) and then you get a bonus. But a good thing about the gameplay is that you can “hop” around. No strait paths. And when you get all 100 coins, you’r reward is 10 bleu gems and you have won.
The eyecandy is medium to good. The background layers, what I find difficult, is used well in the level. You have experience with layer 3, don’t you? I thought I fell and I don’t get out of that hole at pos 34,41. But you fall in a room with green springs and you’ll get out. Good eyecandy stuff on the ground: a canon and some vases, also some windows. Only in the main eyecandy are some bugs: The wall. Some stones don’t with in eachother. A cain at the foregound is floating, edit it or something.
The ammo placement is bad. Only 6 things of the Freezer ammo and 6 things of TNT. The silver coins are coming back to quick in my opinion. I don’t have much to tell about placement, because there almost none.
So in overall this is a quit basic, small level.
PROS: Nice idea, good eyecandy with a difficult to use tileset.
CONS: To small and a bit to easy to complete it.
Oh yeah, why the level save name is Koth?
Oops… I didn’t realize that. Umm… I’ll tell you as soon as it is uploaded. Wow, I am actually impressed with the rating, believe it or not, it’s the highest I’ve gotten so far. Proves I must be good if I can take a generally low-rated idea and get it rated 5 times that. I do realize it’s small, but maybe 5 people could play.
Ok, it’s updated. I also improved the eye candy a bit.[This review has been edited by mikeejimbo]
Koth is because it stands for (K)ing °f (t)he (H)ill.
I didn’t notice the chain, I thought it ended at either end of the level.
The coins regenerate quickly so that you try to knock people off as fast as possible. And I don’t see anything wrong with the placement.
I also don’t see the problems with the castle tiles. They all seem to fit together pretty well to me. Except possibly the windows.
Let me recheck these things. What can I do about ammo placement? [This review has been edited by mikeejimbo]
And of course it’s easy to complete. It’s the other players that are to provide the competition.[This review has been edited by mikeejimbo]
Originally posted by SMCool:
if you saw mine then I guess you would know what I mean (falling results in 50 coin loss etc)
Actually, I did see yours, (Evil Tax Machine.) I think I might take that advice, but mine was supposed to be simpler, with a small battle for control that keeps the “winning” player on their toes.
I think I may take your advice…[This review has been edited by mikeejimbo]