Posted more than 21 years ago
hmm…it seems that u dont learn from your mistakes, do u?
still thos not so beautiful tiles misplacements, no nice things in the background (ok he made it blue, but no kewl stuff like trees). bad eyecandy. playability: not so very well. if u had made things look much better and u had added enemies n stuff, it would have become a nice single player lvl, but as a battle lvl it isn’t very good.
again, build your lvl with a critic’s eye, so dont be content too fast.
thankgod he put in the music file, but i dont know if a next lvl is set, i didnt look this time…
so i suggest u stop spamming this site and go into yer little building room and go working on a kewl lvl the next month. maybe u will make a fine un then, but please dont come here to put yer quick made lvls on.
no download worhty, im sorry
Yup, it’s another far from perfect level by chris11. The background is simple, tiles horribly placed, useless rooms, dead ends, no next level setting, etc.
chris11, try to look at other highly rated levels as an example. it will help you make better levels.
To sum it up, this is NOT a level download worth. :-P
Posted more than 21 years ago
iCeD already mentioned everything…
lots of useless sucker tubes, bad tile placement, no next level setting, bad design so its hard to navigate and so on…
The music also doesn’t fit very good in this level, i think. So if you want to download this, don’t say i didn’t warn you :-)
Very very very LOW four points. I’m still undecided between three and four points…
Posted more than 21 years ago
splash I DO need help could u please help me or anyone I just well…NEED HELP!!!!!!!!!!!