MBP (my battle pack)

  • Rating: 6.9

Reviews and comments

    Violet CLM Posted more than 21 years ago


    I accuse you of stealing part of my name.

    TILESET/TILESET USE: The two levels included use Jungle and Townhouse. So yes, the “Other tileset(custom)” thing is wrong. Both levels actually use the tilesets pretty well, though they suffer from a lack of anything new – there is no inventive tileset use to speak of, just the same old stuff. The Jungle level has some layer 5 stuff, it’s true, but I’ve not that much of a fan of that style. There are one or two tile bugs, especially in some of Jungle’s walls, but overall the tileset use is pretty good.
    Pros: Most things fit together.
    Cons: Nothing new, a few tile bugs.
    Rating: 7.5

    WEAPON/ITEM PLACEMENT: Everything generates way too fast. The ammo all seems to generate at a delay of 5 or so, and the fire shield in the Townhouse level (which is right out in the open) 10 at the most. The weapons are just a bit overdone, but the shield is unacceptable. Anyway, other then that, placement is ok.
    Pros: It’s ok.
    Cons: The fire shield. Ouch. -1.0 right there.
    Rating: 6.2

    ORIGINALITY: There is nothing much that is original about these levels. They have standard tileset use, and no real inventiveness in other factors, such as design.
    Pros: N/A
    Cons: N/A
    Rating: 5.5

    GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: The levels are basically small things with not too much that is inventive. I must say I like the Townhouse level more, as the Jungle basically has the design of a backwards C, complete with both deadends, one of which is against the left side of the level (ouch). The Townhouse level, on the other hand, is shaped more like O=’ . Basically, Townhouse has an ok design, and Jungle doesn’t. As for gameplay, in contrast, Jungle is better, because of the oh-so-obvious fire shield in the Townhouse level.
    Pros: Decent.
    Cons: The fire shield. Again. Also the dead ends.
    Rating: 6.7

    REPLAY VALUE/FUN FACTOR: These levels are mildly entertaining, and let’s face it, it’s not every day you come across a Townhouse level, with or without the fire shield. Still, the fact remains there are some gameplay quirks which could undermine the entertainment value.
    Pros: N/A
    Cons: N/A
    Rating: 7.0

    OVERALL: These are ok levels, but nothing too special, and they each have a few problems. The author shows some unreached promise.
    Pros: Ok design, decent eyecandy, Townhouse is rare.
    Cons: The fire shield, the dead ends.
    Rating: 7.2

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    Philadelphia Posted more than 21 years ago


    Two level that are pretty fun in the first place, but there is a bug. You always start at the same point. It was better to place different start positions. A good point is that the levels are small so there is close battling, again: the levels are fun to play! Good work!

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Waz Posted more than 21 years ago


    I’ll be a bit more generous since this is your first attempt to make a battle pack.

    The first level is average, nearly below average. Eyecandy was good, event placement could have been a bit better, and ammo had a too short regenerate delai. The tileset use had a few bugs, but nothing terrible. The layout wasn’t that interresting, I think. A bit to straight. There’s some kind of gameplay…

    This level would be good for quik battles, or duels, due to its size.

    The second level was better than the first one. Better layout, better weapon placement(still a short delai). Eyecandy was good, other events like shields and food should have been left out. Bad tileset use thoug, I saw some mistakes.

    Also a small level, good for duels and quik battles.

    Overall: average pack, that could be used for duels.

    Advice: make bigger levels next time, and set the weapon delai between 20 and 31.

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    snzspeed Posted more than 21 years ago

    OK. so that was a joke.

    (Response from a random bystander: I think that Violet was joking about both packs being named “Battle Pack” and I doubt he actually meant it. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT] [This review has been edited by snooz]

    isak Posted more than 21 years ago