
  • Rating: 2.7

Reviews and comments

    Violet CLM Posted more than 21 years ago


    Hmmm? Interesting… no reviews? I wouldn’t expect that from a normal level…
    ..of course, maybe it’s not normal. The most impressive thing about this upload is that it took about a half hour to make. I bet the text took up a large portion of it.

    It’s 12 ‘o’ clock, do you know where the fun is?
    This level has a rather unusual design. Four 8*7 rooms, which you can traverse using the holes in the walls. Strangely, there is text inside these holes, but only in the middle tile – not on the parts one is more likely to be in. Why in the world did the author choose to upload this level? It looks awfully like a “wow I made this in (amount of time) I must rock” level that doesn’t get uploaded. But I disgress.
    Ok, “fair witness” mode aside, you now know what the design is like. So the question that arises is “Why is the design like this?”. It hampers flow, the springs aren’t too well lined up with the horizontal holes… yeah. Levels with this sort of design are interesting to make as an experiment, but to tell the truth, they rarely (if at all) turn out well. This did not.
    Pros: The author included springs (though green would be nicer), thankfully not leaving you to high jump through the holes. TSF Compatible!
    Cons: This design! It’s just horrible.
    Rating: 2.5

    Here’s a riddle for you… what’s green and white and bad all over?
    Answer: The eyecandy for this level. The walls consist entirely of the greenish pipe tiles included in Mez01, and while there are no tile bugs, this is hardly surprising. Mez01 really has a lot of possibilities for eyecandy most people don’t bother with, but this level bothers with none of them! Give us some blocks! Pipe variation! Other layer eyecandy! Something other than this DISMAL green stuff!
    …ok, I exaggerate. There is background eyecandy. Sort of. Apparently the author has taken the star tiles and thought something like “Look, white dots. Like snow!”. So voila, the white stars go down. Straight down. At a rather unusual speed. Not only does this end up not looking like snow, but it’s so obviously tiled it’s almost painful to look at. You’ve got at least two unused layers for eyecandy, add some depth to the snow! Different placements, different speeds… please?
    Of course, the question arises; “Why is there snow in the first place?” The level name is Microtubes, the filename is electro1, why is there snow? It’s like that “Snow in Carrotus” level: the snow is only there because it can be. Ok, I’m only going to say this once: Your level name is Microtubes, get some tubes in there! Mez01 has lots of tube tiles just asking to be eyecandy… don’t waste time on inappropiate snow!
    Pros: I guess the snow Is kind of original… no tile bugs in the pipes.
    Rating: 3.0

    See the little angels… how do they rise up, rise up, rise up?
    Weapons placement is actually surprising sensical, considering the other aspects of this level. You’ve got Fastfire (always a good idea), EB (nice with so many walls), Seekers (for those annoying people in the room opposite) and… TNT. Well, three out of four ain’t bad.
    The weapons are placed in corners of the rooms, which actually is more logical than putting them in the middle where they’ll just be shot down. My only real complaint is that no matter how fast they generate, four of each type is really not enough. A strategist Could possibly stay alive for some time in this level, as it’s not a tiny carnage room – so give us more weapons.
    As for those things known as “other pickups”, they do not exist. Again, this is a good thing, as they’d be completely pointless in this level.
    Pros: Somehow, this factor is far better than all the others, despite a rather obvious lack of real thought or effort. Things are placed well, and nice choices.
    Cons: Why TNT? And again, there needs to be more ammo.
    Rating: 4.5

    Wow! Let’s do that again!
    Oh, no. A few minutes in, this level is probably going to get boring, unless you’re already very bored. Of course, one person is bound to like it for that reason, as why else would it be hosted in the first place? This level is good for a quick glance at “how not to make really fast levels”, but for playing – no.
    Pros: I suppose some entertainment could be gleaned.
    Cons: Just not enough. The appearance doesn’t really lend to the enjoyment either.
    Rating: 1.7

    In conclusion, sir…
    …don’t download this. It’s not really all that good, and the complete lack of anything interesting makes the bad parts seem worse. The fact that the level is too small to fit into a 640×480 screen, making the author add an empty column, is not really all that pleasing. Let’s just all be glad that the author has matured since this level, and instead makes things like “Colonius 1 edited so the tile Dizz Sux is no longer there”.
    Pros: Few.
    Cons: Too many. This level should not be edited with a few changes, it should be thrown to the ground and forgotten.
    Rating: 2.0

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