Darkness Tower

  • Rating: 7.7

Reviews and comments

    Lark Posted more than 21 years ago


    Well, it’s about time Jazz2online gets a nice level. I haven’t seen a good level around here in a while now, but here we go. This level was quite small, but fun, and it uses a variation of the castle tileset (Castle Eclipse).

    Eyecandy – Good
    Good eyecandy, all though some parts of it seems kind of funny. The background was nicely don’t, especially how you made it look like you were inside somewhere.

    Gameplay – Okay
    Gameplay was okay. I felt like I was being bounced around by springs a lot of the time, though, and it has a very confusing layout. Not bad gameplay, though.

    Originality – Original, but not original. I don’t know. :-p

    Weapon placement – Very good
    Nothing wrong here, very nice weapon and ammo placement.

    Tileset usage – Good
    The author made as good of a castle level as you can make, which isn’t all ways that good since it’s such a basic tileset. The author did a good job, though, and I hope some people host this.

    Download reccomendation, and again, somebody host this :-p[This review has been edited by labratkid]

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    FireSworD Posted more than 21 years ago


    Well, Blacky sure did make a nice little battle level, in my opinion.

    First Impression: Good, I must say this level reminds me a bit of BlurredD’s battle level, Dungeon Ruins part of his SC battle pack, but not too much as the eyecandy differs a bit from that level, which I’ll explain later.

    The layout was good enough for my tastes in battle levels. Most battle freaks may not like it but if your a huge CTF fan this layout might be to your likeing. It doesn’t rely too much on platforms like most battle levels it’s easy to flow through and a bit symmetrical but not really copied as both sides are quite different, but they also have similarities like the carrots for example. I feel Nothing further needs to be discussed here. The layout is good that’s mostly what counts.

    The gameplay was great, I enjoyed it most of the time. (Ok, I was winning the whole time and my opinion might change if I was losing) However there were a few quirks like the carrots being too easy to get(3 carrots… A bit much for a level this size, imo) and made the game a bit too easy (At least for me) and got boring near the end. I believe a couple of players dueling here who knew the level well would make the duel last very, very long due to this, this is more my opinion though, so if you don’t like getting frustrated in duels because it lasts, I recommend not dueling here.

    The eyecandy was good, Nothing special but still above average. The BG as well as the layer 4 use was excellent. Overall nothing more to discuss, Blacky did a well done job with the eyecandy (as always).

    The Ammo/Powerup placment was ok. Certainly no problems here.

    Originality factor is non – existant. No new tileset uses to discuss here.

    Overall: Blacky made a good battle level but this isn’t amazing, neither does it dare to uncover new breakthroughs in gameplay or eyecandy, but heck, if your a battle freak or just someone who’s bored and is in the mood for a good enjoyable battle level to host, this is certainly for you.

    [This review has been edited by Fire Sword!]

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    grazzkid Posted more than 21 years ago


    great battle!
    i give a 7.5

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    byggemester Posted more than 21 years ago


    Good Work ! —-/o\—-

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    val 17 Sep 2007, 15:56 (edited 18 Sep 07, 06:31 by Cooba)


    10.0! the best level made by someone from this site i’ve seen! :D

    [Review changed to quick review. For more information on quick reviews, see \Review Rules\. – Cooba]

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Zoro 27 Dec 2009, 01:33

    Val, you gonna crazy!