mezbattle - fixed-

  • Rating: 2.1

Reviews and comments

    Lark Posted more than 21 years ago


    Oh my god. This level doesn’t deserve NEAR a ten, okay??

    It’s small, weapons placement is bad, NO eyecandy, boring, and you should have reuploaded, okay, get glasses. This will be deleted but I’m going to give this a 2 and hope somebody deletes speedy boy’s rating soon.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    American Posted more than 21 years ago


    Err…ik been Amerikaan? ;P
    Anyway, this is a level using Mezz’s venerable (I do not know what that means, but I like the word) Mez01 tileset. Sort of, that is. The point is, this level is just not good. The major problem I have had with it is that I just can not get it to execute. I am not sure whether the previous reviewers have some sort of updated Mez01 version, but divide by zero errors were abound. After I got that all fixed up (an animation problem), I got to playing the level. And I am not sure if that is a good thing. While the level size is physically of moderate size (256×64), the level itself is much, much smaller (~50×40). It is a Mez level, and has Mez-ish eyecandy (obviously). Unfortunately, even a tileset as simple as Mez is used badly in this level.

    EYECANDY/TILESET USE: There is nothing even remotely pretty about this level. It is, in every way, a bad Mez level. The eyecandy looks okay at first, but then you start to notice some somewhat subtle things, such as the use of the diagonal land tile for the inside of a ramp wall (oops) and carrot with a fairly hyper 6-second respawn (double oops). The level looks ugly in most every way possible. There are no points in which there is much in the way of quality eyecandy. The background looks okay, but the rest of this level just has horrendously flawed eyecandy. Unless, that is, you interpret the strange tile use as some form of abstract art. If this is so, I would seriously recommend professional help before your condition deteriorates.
    Pros: Despite the sheer number of tile errors, this level somehow ends up not looking awful – just horrible.
    Cons: The eyecandy in this level is ugly in every single respect. The only decent thing is the background, which shows no creativity at all.
    Rating: 2.0

    WEAPON/ITEM/ENEMY PLACEMENT: This is a small level. In a small level, you would expect mostly only basic weapondry. Not so. This level features an RF powerup, a flamethrower powerup, and a seeker powerup, all not that far from eachother. Beyond that, it also has many crates in which ammo can be easily obtained. For a level of this miniature size, that is quite a lot of unneeded ammo. There is also a carrot with a six second respawn, but that really only makes matters worse. Are there any bright spots in the ammo distribution of this level? Not really.
    Pros: None to speak of, really.
    Cons: Ammo clumping. Fast-respawning carrot. Too many powerups. The list goes on. And on. And on and on…
    Rating: 1.2

    ORIGINALITY: I can some up the originality of this level in one word, but I refuse to. This is a Mez1 battle level. Can it get much worse than that? Yes. It can. And it does. It is a Mez1 TSF battle level with no eyecandy whatsoever. The only thing that this level has that avoids getting a score of 1.2 for originality is the lack of any ripped content. Then again, this level might benefit from at least some ripped content. It is that bad.
    Pros: No.
    Cons: Yes.
    Rating: 1.2

    GAMEPLAY/DESIGN: Gameplay? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Anyway…this level features no gameplay whatsoever. At all. None. It is a small Mez1 level with too much ammo. What is there to do? It is not fun to play. There is no flow. It is far too small to have any definable layout. The only layout there is would be pretty much randomly-connected cooridors between really small rooms. There is no layout. It is just whatever connects it and makes it at least somewhat of a loop. As you can obviously gather, I do not like this level.
    Pros: This level did not explode and turn my computer into a deadly fireball of doom.
    Cons: I sort of hope it would have.
    Rating: 1.2

    REPLAY VALUE/FUN FACTOR: If your idea is fun is playing a bad Mez1 level for hours upon hours, you have found your best friend in the entire world. If it is not (and I can see why it would not be – this level is probably painful to play for even those who enjoy playing bad Mez1 levels), I am sure that you will be best off avoiding downloading this level.
    Pros: Uh. It loads.
    Cons: “Uh. It loads.”
    Rating: 1.2

    OVERALL (not an average): What more is there to say about this level? I can not stand it. It is a small Mez1 level with poor eyecandy, no gameplay, and seemingly random and completely overdone weapon placement. It is not worth a download even if you are the most staunt fan of Mez01, mostly because it will probably crush any visions of grandeur one has for the tileset. This is in no way a quality level, and absolutely not deserving of 10s. I smell ratings fraud. And, by the way, if that is in fact what is going on, you risk low access if you continue to cheat the ratings system. You have been warned. And that goes for both potential downloaders and those who rated this 10.
    Pros: No
    Cons: Yes.
    Rating: 1.5

    Flow: F
    Layout: D -
    Creativity: F
    Bugs: D -

    Tileset use: F
    Eyecandy look: D -
    Creativity: F
    Bugs: F

    Weapons: F
    Carrots: D -
    Enemies: N/A



    Pros: No
    Cons: Yes.

    - Trafton

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    Basje Posted more than 21 years ago


    its not great to much ammo! here rating 2.7

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.