“The Castle” includes a good (though) not great battle level using the castle set. It’s just a tad small, though.
However I must complement you on good navigation without springs. There WAS a Spaz biased area, some score taken away from that.
Eye candy was OK. Could have been improved (bg very cluttered.)
Overall it gets a d/l recommendation from me, not a high one, but one nonetheless. :-)
Posted more than 21 years ago
Too small.
Ya need to pay careful attention to eyecandy, it’s vastly important.
Also, the one vine was too high up.. I’d recommend puting it down one more line.
You need to make sure that people can get around your level without too much work. A few springs probably wouldn’t have hurt any..
Download this if you like small battles.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Not much to say here. I think this battle level is VERY slightly above the average: the design and eyecandy (back layers are okay, fore layers aren’t) is okay, not much to complain. But the level itself is too small and boring (heard about events? :-). However, weapon selection is okay, too. Nothing special. Of course, the author didnt forget the usual annoying bugs: no background music, wrong next level setting.
I don’t know if i should recommend to download “The Castle” (sorry, but boy, thats a boring name!) or not. But as FoD said: if you like small battle maps…(low six points!)
Why so low Wild bill, it isnt that bad…..
(I hope it was the yawning that caused you to give this unacceptably low score. Rating removed. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]