Marble Gardens Tileset

  • Rating: 8.3

Reviews and comments

    defalcon Posted more than 21 years ago


    WOOT! Will review after! But looks good. Sonic! =D

    EDIT: Okay, here’s a short review.

    Eyecandy: Nothing incredibly remarkable – it’s Marble Gardens (one of my favourite themes from Sonic 3). Though not spectacular, it’s perfectly acceptable. The background kinda clashes with the rest of the tiles, however. Also, the night version appears to just have an altered palette. It’d be nice to have a few more extra touches to make it more distinguishable.

    Tiles: Most of what’s needed is here. Not much to say really. It looks fairly easy to piece a level together with, especially if you’ve played Sonic 3 (who hasn’t?) and know how the tiles should fit together.

    Overall, it’s a fairly nice conversion. Nothing over the top wow, but it’s nice nonetheless, especially as a conversion. Download recommended, easily beats out the old ‘Mobius’ and ‘Super Emerald’ sets I have in my folder. =)[This review has been edited by defalcon]

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    TheChosenOne Posted more than 21 years ago


    Well, here’s a reivew… Something I haven’t obviously done in a while.

    First off, it’s not a clearly original tileset so that won’t make things too great. However, it is Sonic so I enjoy it. It’s a very nice Sonic rip might I add, and the masking seems very good as well.

    Download if ya like Sonic… or something.

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    snzspeed Posted more than 21 years ago


    Good things:

    + idea
    + real water

    Bad things

    i think that tileset is bit hard to use.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Lark Posted more than 21 years ago


    I’ve never played Sonic, and I never intend to, but even so, this looks like it WOULD be a really good conversion. And by the way, Snooz, the tileset being hard to use isn’t Spaztic’s fault. It was a real tileset from another game. So, please don’t take off points for something the author couldn’t help, just like nobody took off points for the tiles in my Jetpack conversion being too big looking (they were originally 24×24 in the game, and I had to resize them, which made them look funny). Anyway, even if you don’t like Sonic, than you should download this. Hey, I’ve never played Sonic, and I may make a level with this.

    Download reccomendation, definetely.

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    Blackraptor Posted more than 21 years ago


    Ok, a sonic conversion by Spaztic. Unfortunately, I do not have sonic so I can’t review this as a jj1 conversion since I cannot compare this tileset to the actual one in the game. I’ll try to review it effiecently.

    APPEARANCE: The tileset first appears to look ok. Nothing really spectacular. The marble ground tiles, Im not too fond of (but that isnt technically Spaztic’s fault. The backround looks realistic, more realistic than the rest of the tileset, and it doesn’t fit in as much to the theme. There are some different settings (different layer 5 bricks, some different wall tiles) and they resolve around one specific thing, an ancient marble made place. Anyways, It appears to look ok.
    Pros: Looks ok, nothing seriously wrong or annoying with it.
    Cons: Some tiles don’t look too good.

    COLOR: The color here looks nice in some tiles, and not so nice in others. I like how the columns look, they have a color variety and look realistic, same with some of the layer 5. The poles look a bit strange, and there isn’t that much of a color variety compared to some other colorful tilesets. But the color is alright and mostly textured and nice looking, and I can handle it.
    Pros: Nice basic good coloring.
    Cons: Not too good compared to some other more colorful tilesets.

    INCLUDED TILES: Well, it has destruct blocks, signs (arrow, not text or exit) shooting arrows, spikes, poles, backround eyecandy, some foreground (those big columns CAN be used for Foreground), a backround, layer 5, different tile variety etc etc. Though it would of been nice to have a text and exit sign and possibly sucker tubes, there is a great amount of valubable tiles included and enough to make a good level with.
    Pros: Enough tiles to make a decent quality level.
    Cons: Missing a few minor things.
    Rating: 8.5

    USERFRIENDLY: To me, it looks userfriendly enough. Not the easiest high quality tileset to use, but its easy to get used to and the tiles are placed decently and logically in the tileset.
    Pros: Userfriendly enough for some people
    Cons: May cause trouble to others.

    Masking: Well, the first thing on my mind is that I was surprised that jazz/spaz was able to run up those steep hills so quickly. There are some invisible tiles, and the tileset is masked nicely as far as I can see.
    Pros: Good masking
    Cons: No major ones
    Rating: 8.5

    OVERall (not an average): The tileset looks ok, is colored nicely, so-so userfriendly and masked decently. I must say i think it is a great sonic conversion (even though I haven’t seen the actual tileset, the conversion looks decent). Its worth a download and can produce good quality levels.
    Pros: Can produce good levels, masked nicely, colored nicely, usefriendly ok.
    Cons: Not too spectacular or great.
    Rating: 8

    Final rating: 8.15 which is rounded to an 8.2 and a download reccomendation. Good work on the conversion, Spaztic!

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    Gecko Posted more than 21 years ago


    Dude you forgot the background layer that was used in sonic 3!

    although, its missing some major things it has good masking, some basic scenery, and fairly easy to use.

    Download? Yes. And good job for Spaztic!

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    sonictth Posted more than 21 years ago


    Mega Conversion!:


    high quality graphics from sonic
    real watter (PHOTO?)
    ups and downs in 5 directions
    Day and Night Tilesets


    Hmm.. i thing there is no, well, of corse! A Loop! Can creating with Suckertubes!

    At all: Good Work! (Why don`t make more sonic conversions?)

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    Biohazard UOI Posted more than 21 years ago


    Awesome tileset!

    When you just look at the tileset, it looks like any other, but in application, this is a really nice set!

    Good Stuff:
    - detail level
    - water background
    - accurate of Sonic
    - concept
    (I liked the music, too, but that doesn’t count :) .)

    Bad Stuff:
    - mask on steep slopes, but understandable

    Good job, overall!

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    Spazzyman Posted more than 21 years ago


    Pretty good spaztic, I like it a lot (sonic fan) and the tiles seem to tile properly. I like it and i think its underrated. I give it a 9 for time, effort, and obviously, result ^^

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    DeepD!sh CC Posted more than 21 years ago

    [EvilMike: Quantum Extrapolationary Bilinguarity edit. Never do this again.][This review has been edited by EvilMike]