Metal wasteland

  • Rating: 5.3

Reviews and comments

    Mike Posted more than 21 years ago


    What?? I’m first to rate this? Well, let’s get going.
    Layer 4 graphics: 6
    Backround: 6.7
    Useability: 8
    Tile placing:7.3
    I felt a little unsure about downloading this ‘cause it wasn’t rated, but i don’t regret downloading. Just put a longer example level next time, OK?

    BTW, I am a finn too, and I don’t think you always know who is a finn. But I think Blade is.
    [This review has been edited by Mike]

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    Superjazz Posted more than 21 years ago


    Well, because I have rated today so many jj2 levels I’m tired to rate this fully, and I also have other rating sections for tilesets than I have for sp, so let’s say it straight and decide the rating number.

    Well, seems that you have skill on making tilesets and levels too, ehm, except you should make longer example levels or then do not make them at all. Well, tileset seems to be quite fine and useful, but should have more tiles and animated tiles, eyecandy, etc. So I decided to give at first a 7 like Mike, but I give 7.2 because the example level. And remember to make them longer next time. By the way, are you a finn, snooz?

    Well, I guessed that, because you write like a finn, and then I checked your profile and saw your e-mail. Finnish language, and because I’m a finn too.

    Superjazz was here

    [This review has been edited by Superjazz]

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    Violet CLM Posted more than 21 years ago


    THEME: Not much of one. The author seems to have copied the whole idea from Blade’s Wasteland, but not been too clear on what idea he was copying. Anyway, the tileset ends up as a bunch of bright white metal blocks with some plants and weird background mountains.
    Pros: Few.
    Cons: Not much of a theme, what little theme there is not very expanded upon.
    Rating: 5.0

    GRAPHICS: Really quite bad. The very few places there is any shading at all is quite jerky, no textures, and most everything looks ugly. The only saving grace is the plants, which actually look kind of ok, despite not fitting in with the tileset at all.
    Pros: The plants.
    Cons: Most everything else.
    Rating: 2.0

    INVENTORY: Text sign, spikes, poles, vine.
    Pros: Some stuff is there.
    Cons: A lot of the things are missing, what there is isn’t very well masked, nor does it have all that good graphics…
    Rating: 3.5

    ORIGINALITY: There really is nothing that is original about this tileset. Everything is basically taken from something else or shouldn’t have existed in the first place.
    Rating: 1.7

    COMPETITION: Wasteland. Just about any metal tileset, really.
    (No pros given)
    (No cons given)
    (No rating given)

    EASE OF USE: This is probably the best factor. Assuming you can tell what a tile is supposed to be, you will pretty much know where to put it, and where it is. The only complaint here is that the extra [] eyecandy stuff has to be squares or it won’t work at all, completely destroying all the usability potential.
    Pros: Mostly good.
    Cons: Those [] things.
    Rating: 6.0

    MASKING: Ick. The masking on this tileset is just horrible. Jagged edges, little dots, stuff with masking not at all like the tile itself… hint: people like smooth, bugless masks.
    Pros: The tileset’s masking is, at least, usable.
    Cons: Way too many bugs.
    Rating: 2.2

    OVERALL: This is hard to rate overall, as each of the sections has gotten significantly different ratings. Still, this is just not a very good tileset, despite what Superjazz and this guy I’ve never heard of seem to think.
    Pros: Not too many. But the tileset is usable, and you can make a level with it.
    Cons: Bugs, missing things, not very good graphics.
    Rating: 3.2

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    byggemester Posted more than 21 years ago


    Ah, I dont like that tileset!!

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Lark Posted more than 21 years ago


    This level doesn’t deserve in the 7’s, but it’s not THAT bad, and doesn’t deserve as low as a 3. If it was made with paint, it’s very good for a paint set, but if not, it’s still PRETTY good. It’s what I like to call a n00bset – Which means it’s a great set for newbies on level making to use, and it’s easy to use. An example is Skulg’s tilesets – Death Metal was a great tileset that is easy to use, and so is Lava Lamp. This tileset looks like it’d be fun to make levels with.
    Download reccomendation is complicated.

    Those of you who have a lot in common with Spaztic, Evil Mike, Violet CLM, etc. stay away from this.
    Those of you who aren’t as good as making levels, and I won’t use any names, this is a perfect download for you guys.

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    WaterRabbit Posted more than 21 years ago


    I like the tileset. The level is a bit short. It is still a good level. Make more levels with this tileset. I’ll give them good ratings.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Biohazard UOI Posted more than 21 years ago



    Good Stuff:
    - layers work well together
    - doesn’t distract from sprites too much

    Bad Stuff:
    - eye candy needs work
    - needs much more detail
    - includes only bare necessecities
    - no apparent theme(s)
    - windows look cool, but don’t belong

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    snzspeed Posted more than 21 years ago

    Ok mike, i will make longer example levels next time.yes, im form finland superjazz, how did you guess?[This review has been edited by snooz]