First of all, i want say that i agree with authors description, it was short,´but hard.
here is review
eyecandy:eyecandy was good.your levels get better, adn better every time when you make an a new level.
gameplay:hmmm……not much to say.
the gameplay was an a little bit above
because there were much enemies
in the level, and it was short
but i dont know.
maybe author likes hard levels.
Food/weapon placement:quite good.
there little bit foods in this level and those were placed …as ok.
enemy placement:little bit above average.there were some tuf turtles in bad places……ofterwise it was …ok.
overall:this is an average level, but it was short…..and its hard to rate…but i decided to gave 5.5…..
tips to next levels:
You should make larger levels……[This review has been edited by snooz]