Posted more than 21 years ago
Snooz, I adore your levels, I really do, but… they are just WAY too easy.
Your single player levels that is =)
I reccomend making lots of single player levels, because I don’t like your battle and CTF levels.
I only wish that this used the Carrotus tileset so it could be 1.23 and everyone could see it.
Posted more than 21 years ago
In the level there was a sign saying “Don’t forget to rate this on Jazz 2 Online”, so I won’t. It are two nice levels, easy but nice. A good use of the titleset and some secrets in the levels make these two levels fun. But I came to a so called Puzzle and I used the Gun9 weapon to shoot the field under the box and the box came to me, I play with Lori so I made Lori’s special move to open it, and I got stuck… less nice, but nice levels.
P.S. I found the way outta the puzzle now…[This review has been edited by EvilPim]
Posted more than 21 years ago
Level 1: Here comes the Easter !
Layers&Eyecandy: 60 %
Gameplay: 85 %
Level design: 70 %
Event placement: 80 %
Bugs: 60 %
Originallity: 75 %
Size: 80 %
Difficulty: Easy
73 %
Level 2: Chocolate land
Layers&Eyecandy: 75 %
Gameplay: 75 % (Better than Level 1, but because there was not checkpoint before puzzle…)
Level design: 70 %
Event placement: 65 %
Bugs: 60 %
Originallity: 80 %
Size: 80 %
Difficulty: Easy
73 %
73 % >>> 7.5