Posted more than 21 years ago
Small and boring level…
Eyecandy: Okay
Pros: Good sprite layer eyecandy.
Cons: Boring background eyecandy.
Gameplay: Okay
Pros: None
Cons: None
Weapon placement: Bad
Pros: Bearable (sp).
Cons: There is too much ammo in small places, specifically the large mass of about 20 toaster bullets (60 ammo in all).
There are several things that affect my rating before playing levels.
1.) Is the level made with a 1.24 and uses a 1.23 tileset with no new 1.24 JCS features?
2.) Is the level passworded?
3.) Is the level hidden in the homecooked list?
All 3 of these pertain to this level, so I’m taking off .1 points, not too much. Final: 5.6, rounded up to 5.7.[This review has been edited by labratkid]
Posted more than 21 years ago
Its good level.only problem is that there are way too much weapons in some places
Posted more than 21 years ago
first of all, the toasters…. to much. small-boring-ammo placement…. not good not bad. Final rating from me an 7.2!
Posted more than 21 years ago
Yes, yes. There’s a lot of toaster, and the seeker power-up is too easy to get (easier than RF). Anyway it’s a quite big level and well thought.
Good eyecandy and tiles placement. Gameplay good, you could use some lightning events in caves. Too much Toaster ammo and too easy to get the Seeker powerup makes the game easy. Overall 7.5 for the first level. Don’t be mad at me for that :).
Posted more than 21 years ago
Layers&Eyecandy: 40 %
Gameplay: 70 %
Level design: 70 %
Weapon placement: 55 %
Bugs: 75% (Little of bugs)
Originallity: 75 %
66 %
+ Work with tileset: + 0.2
68 % >>> 6.8 >>> 7.0