Posted more than 21 years ago
First off all, the “infinite fall” is a very, VERY bad idea. NEVER put something like that in a level again.
Apart from that major bug, there are some minor tile placement errors (e.g. if you make a sucker tube, use a foreground layer for the tiles AROUND the tube, too!). The authors attempts to put some eyecandy are okay (not bad actually) but the design is very confusing. No fluent battling possible. The level uses the famous “7th Lava Fall” set (which IS NOT iNCLUDED!) and very techno like background music (dubu99.xm).
Overall, i can’t give a download recommendation. Sorry, only four points from me here.
ugh.. infinite fall is really aggrevating, you can see the layer edges (it just stops dead) and there isn’t much eyecandy.. some parts of the eyecandy are really dumb (like where the flamers are.. the lava is in the background, yet goes OVER the actual floor!).. yeah..
chris, just spend more time on your levels.. even if you just sit on them for 10-20 minutes at a time, work on one until it looks and feels like a quality battle/sp level..
First and most importantly, never put something like that in a level. And also you should spend more than 4 hours on a level, almost any good level takes 10+ hours. The layout to this level is quite simple, the layering seems very bad, and this whole level seems just… yucky. No download recommendation here. Sorry.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Evil. Eviler, Evilest. (Wooooo-hoooo! Grammar police!)
Anyway. This is not a so-good level. The music is cool (mist be me, a spacey techno music fan ;) but the level isn’t. The design is weird, the tubes are weird, the layers are weird, I am weird.
I won’t talk about the evil fall, Aiko did some great speech about that so that’s enuf’. Now I’m getting weirder because I’m a cow so get the 4,5 and run away.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Ack! another lvl that is **** I am getting v.deppressed.I AGAIN put the wrong file up as i have a bete version for all my lvl’s expect the proper one soon(it doesn’t have the big fall in.)
Posted more than 21 years ago
Sorry but i spent 4 hours on this so i guess i’m just ***** at making lvl’s so i’ll give up