Dungeon of Doom

  • Rating: 3.4

Reviews and comments

    Lark Posted more than 21 years ago


    I understand this is your first level. People’s first levels are never good, unless you are ScizorCT ;p The eyecandy sucks big time, there is hardly any gameplay, and there wasn’t much thought as to where the ammo was placed… good try for a first. I’ve all ways found single player levels much, much easier to create, especially if you’re new, because you don’t need to focus on gameplay quite as much. Just don’t make the level linear ;p My first single player level pack that I released is on the site somewhere… Labrat HQ. It’s very bad, but my next level, Freezing Hell Hunt, go better, and my third level, Battleships got a 7.2 or 7.4 (I’m too lazy to look). Than, after I got good with single player, I tried my luck at capture the flag… Pepsi vs. Coke got 7.7. After I got bored of levels, I tried tileset conversions. My first got 3.0 (BOO!) My next got a bit higher, until I made JJ1: Industrius and Xargon, which both got 8.0. Than, I tried making my own tileset and I got 8.2. Hooray.

    So, you should try starting out with single player, than try your luck with battle, than capture the flag, and than a tileset. It worked for me.

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    GAMER(CR) Posted more than 21 years ago


    I don’t thing this is so bad. Compered to my levels. The eyecandy is indeed bad, but the level itself isn’t liniar. Its just you tested it in JCS in single play, labratkid. And you must not lower ratings so much just, because the level has bad eyecandy. But, alas, this level is small for a battle, and the “rooms” are small and inconvenient.

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