Just two survivors.

  • Rating: N/A

Reviews and comments

    blurredd Posted more than 21 years ago

    Let me just say this:

    “I know [my survivor levels] are Ground Force levels (I forgot to credit ET for the concept, too). ‘Survivor’ was originally suppose to be the name of the pack of Ground Force levels I made. But eventually, everyone started to call the concept Survivor and making ‘Survivor levels’. (I can’t help it if ‘Survivor’ is more catchy than ‘Ground Force’). So technically, Survivor is the 20 Ground Force levels I made, not the name of ET’s concept.”

    That was an old quote, but it still holds true (althought at the moment it’s now 25 Ground Force levels). So please, stop labeling your GF levels as survivor levels, because I don’t want to hear Violet complaining about it.

    On another note, these need work. Did you even try testing these? The Kosmic Destruction level doesn’t even have a usable warp at the bottom of the level (most events on the lowest tile of a level don’t work). And on top of that, the end area isn’t completely masked. There are also some gameplay issues, but I’m not going into that. I’ll save you the trouble and not actually rate this, although you can imagine it wouldn’t be too high.

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    wadledee 16 Sep 2004, 13:26

    Just as Blurred said. The game needs work. It doesnt seem you really worked on this. Although, placement was not THAT bad! Enough crates and ammo. But try to get better than this.