Posted more than 21 years ago
Ok, I’ll give to you level by level.
First level: the background isn’t used correctly. It’s not supoosed to have lines like that. There’s also too much open space..
Second level: I couldn’t find how to make the steps appear, so I used JJFLY. Don’t make levels that people can’t figure out. Level appears imcomplete..
Third Level: at the beginning, there is a long drop and ammo you can’t grab if you are Spaz. Near pos.51,59 there is a stuck turtle, he can’t move, and also at pos. 79,61, and also at pos. 98,60. The fat chicks at 142,59 and beyond don’t give you any space. Er, and the level is confusing. I couldn’t find the way out.. it is apparently very tough to do. JJnext was how I got out.
Fourth level: The vine isn’t consistant, you can’t climb all the way across. The boss area: you can stand above it and destroy the boss. Too easy (if you had seekers). The other way through the level is a little better (expect for the fact that you have to backtrack and beat the boss anyway).
I think you need to study some older JJ2 SP levels before you try another pack. Please remember that you are trying to make these levels challenging and yet have it so it is possible to beat.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Oh well, i don’t have much to add to FoD’s nice long review.
KJAZZ obviously tried to make something big like a single player episode including three levels and two small intro/outro levels. Unfortunately, the mission completely failed this time.
The intro isn’t worth mentioning (just some text events) and in the levels i found too many major tile placement flaws (e.g. background is all wrong in two of the levels).
There are some good ideas (i liked the “falling rock pyramid” :-) and also some nice puzzles and excercises. But they were too easy and the lack of design and eyecandy in most places is too obvious. Furthermore, the music choice doesn’t fit that good in some levels (“Underwater” music for a Tubeelecric level? Nah…).
Overall, i can’t give a download commendation here (low 4 points). Sorry. Keep smiling and keep trying, KJAZZ.
But seriously: you should really beta-test your levels online with friends or helpful people (or e-mail your levels to them to let them test).
Its not a good idea to use J2O as a kind of a beta testing site with us reviewers as your beta-testers :-)
P.S.: PLEASE spend more TiME on your levels. REALLY!
In this context time means: at least 10 hours!
P.P.S.: The music for the boss level is by finnish tracker Quasian.
Aiko and FoD’s reviews sum it up well.
Level 1: Bad background and poorly placed powerup. It’s also hard to know when the rocks fall down…
Level 2: You used the labrat set all wrong here, look to the official levels for good tips about how to use this set.
Level 3: I never completed this one, it was too confusing near the end… the whole thing was pretty basic, so overall I can’t say much for this one.
Conclusion: It’s simply too ugly, easy and short for me to give a d/l recommendation.
Posted more than 21 years ago
If a SP level takes 10+ Hours,
how long will a race level take?
Having to go all the way back to the beggining annoys me. That’s not the way most SPs are built, no one would think to try going back to the beginning.
(Btw, go to and download ICQ)
Posted more than 21 years ago
It is possible to win!
2nd Level. You shoot them, Its says "How do you solve most everything?" You shoot it.
And its not incomplete. The Vault you ask? Thats there to taunt you :-)
In the 3rd level, you can grab at LEAST 1 if you’re spaz, and that is all you need. (I admit I’m biased and like Jazz better _) The Turtles shouldn’t be like that, I will fix that.
Then, you must destroy
the reactors, then go near the big box and jump up there. From there pound the crate at the top, go back to the begining, next to the * block, The passage will now be open.
And on the last one, it’s easy, its supposed to be…