Not bad, not bad at all.
The tileset looks cool, I like only real problems are the fact that the thing could have used more variety, and you should be careful with 8-bit users (like me. :-), the example level has a spiffy layout, but the lack of variety in the tileset sort of dulls it…
Overall definitely worth a tileset fans download. :-)
Posted more than 21 years ago
"Factory CTF" is a great pack: its also a kind of an example level for MetalWarriors "Factory 3D" tileset, which looks very cool.
The tileset has a spiffy 3D look, many useful structures (+ some signs etc.), a nice background and looks pretty beautiful (dark atmosphere and lots of red colour values) even if the author had problems with the palette.
The CTF level is a first class creation either: it has a great design (i’m not a CTF expert but the base placement seems to be fair) and some good layerwork. The "hell" music fits well here.
All in all, mainly because of the tileset, i give out unbelievable (LOW) eight points here :-) Every real Jazz2 fan should DOWNLOAD THiS NOW!
Posted more than 21 years ago
Not bad, not bad at all :)
“Factory CTF” is an old level (if i remember right), but it’s good nonetheless. The set looks pretty good, even with lack of colors. The level itself isn’t that bad, but i found one minor glitch: Jazz can’t reach the base on the right.
Conclusion: downloading recommended :)
Posted more than 21 years ago
This pack has interesting tileset, and interesting level. The level shows what you can do with the set. I can’t do tileset like this one, it’s different. The "3D-look" was cool. The pack has everything what you need. But still there’s little thing what bothered me.
.Not enough colors.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Decent level, good tileset.
I haven’t seen the tileset yet, but I am taking a wild guess that it’s kinda tricky tricky to use.
And on the level, navagation is a pain!
You might have to play this level quite a few times to get the hang of it.
Did someone say darn palette!? I can probably help you with that if you want this ‘set to look it’s spiffiest. (I learned a lot about palettes, etc since I first helped you with this tileset ;))
The level looks good, but I didn’t get to play it thouroughly enough to really review it. But I did get stuck in the scenary in one spot. I think it was near the bottom on the very left edge of the level (Where you go through the one way scenary and go onto a spring). I went through on the rightmost edge of the one-way stuff and got trapped, if memory servers me correctly…
you sure? I’m almost positive both of them could get to both bases…