Posted more than 21 years ago
Im too lazy to write long review , so ill just say taht this is a good level.
Rating:7.2[This review has been edited by snooz]
Posted more than 21 years ago
How informative, Snooz.
This level is actually not that bad, it’s just let down by a few minor stuff. Things. Yeah.
The whole level is symmetrical. This can or can not be a good thing, but here it works out alright. The design is good enough, you can get around the level easily enough, but the flow could be improved – there were a few platforms placed just to be annoying.
The eyecandy is good – it uses the default Damm backgrounds and music. I liked the way the black tiles were used as a ‘background’ to make it a bit less repetitive. Good on the whole, though.
The weapon placement, however, drops the level down a bit. There’s a lot of ammo pickups, placed in clever enough places. However, there’s a lot of fastfires, but everything has a respawn time of 7 seconds, so getting a full fastfire is easier done than said. Having a full fastfire is powerful, the player needs to earn it. There weren’t any powerups either.
On the whole, not a bad level. Download it if you want, although there’s better out there.[This review has been edited by Shen]
Nice level, but you can better make a smaller level with more effect’s. This have’s one -point : Some place’s are long, but not with events.