Posted more than 21 years ago
its only small, the rest is nice.
nice eyecandy
nice ammo placed
nice carrots
rating from me an 8
Posted more than 21 years ago
Pretty solid CTF level. The flow is nicely, all though it’s a big Spaz biased. The size is decent… it’s not too small. Them music choice is nice (I love that song ;p). However, the flag bug is still existing. Put a mask around the ENTIRE level. The flag bug is when it says SNOOZ CAPTURED THE FLAG endlessly, until you are roasted.[This review has been edited by labratkid]
Posted more than 21 years ago
I have the 50kb version of Wasteland tileset and you included the 39kb version in the zip. The level should work with the 50kb version unless you added an excessive amount of animations (and that would require a whole lot of animations). I’ll probably have to play it online to see it, even though it SHOULD work on my comp.
The Edit: Just to let you know, it wasn’t entire my fault that the level didn’t work. According to Pyromanus, the the level tried to use another tileset (I believe he said wastelan.j2t) which isn’t included in the zip. Albeir, the filename for the tileset should be wasteland.j2t since Blade was too lazy to rename either versions of the tileset. I advise using the 50kb version since this will work with all Wasteland levels. Anyway, the review:
Still lacks flow. Still prone to flag bug. Still unbalanced. Not to sound too cynical, but this is the worst base placement yet. There are a lot more routes from blue base to red than red base to blue. Also, there still seems to be an uneven platform placement. It’s like DW gone horribly wrong. The part I dislike the most is around pos 15,26. It wouldn’t have be too hard to make the flow a lot better there. And there is still the flag bug issue. The one-tile wide sides on the level may allow for the flag bug, and the missing border at the top will almost definitely cause it. I (once again) suggest that at least two tiles (three tiles recommended) should be used as the border around the entire level to prevent the flag bug problem. I also advise taking a closer look at some of my older reviews once again.
The background uses transparent textured background tiles on layer 7 and the regular 3D textured BG on layer 8. It lags my system a bit, but I could live (and there’s hardware accel anyway). There are some glitches related to the transparent textured BG on layer 8, but it’s nothing to worry about too much. As for overall eyecandy, it isn’t too great, but it’s not that bad; it’s a little different from the ordinary.
Kudos for the continual use of a single full energy carrot near the center, although an additional carrot could be used (assuming they aren’t too close to each other). Everything else on the other hand still needs much work. The ammo placement once again needs better distribution. And there’s nothing in this level that really balance the RF powerup placed right under the blue base except for maybe the EB powerup, but that doesn’t do nearly enough. If the EB powerup was a seeker powerup, then maybe it would be a different story.
Not often at all. Still needs much work. This is worth something around a 6.5, so there you go.[This review has been edited by BlurredD]
Nice level, dx dc, this is just the good format for 2on2, blurredD whats just your rating?
BlurredD you probably have wrong version of this set. there are two versions (i think.) form Blades wasteland tileset.