Death Castle CTF (updated)

  • Rating: 6.1

Reviews and comments

    blurredd Posted more than 21 years ago


    Interesting. I would have to say this is much improvement than the last effort to make a CTF level.


    I can almost say the layout is good. This level is somewhat balanced, although not entirely. The flow still needs some work, but at least I can get around easily enough. This level is also a little spaz biased in some places. I can almost like the base placement. One base is placed higher than the other, but the area in between can almost balance it. Too bad it falls short and it doesn’t exactly do just that. The layout leaves red base easier to be attacked than blue base. And before I forget to mention this, I have to say that there is still the whole flag bug issue. I’m pretty sure I mentioned this in my last review, but I feel that I should repeat myself: To prevent the flag bug, you have to place a border around the entire level. The thicker the border, the less likely it will be for the flag bug to occur. I suggest making the border at least 2 tiles (or better yet, 3 tiles) wide.


    Eye candy could be much better. The eye candy here isn’t even as good as that which is in battle1. In some places there isn’t much eye candy at all, such as the entire bottom right area. The tileset is missused and eye candy still needs a lot of work.


    Well, this level uses a full energy carrot; it just isn’t centered too well. It’s too close to red base which doesn’t help with balance. Ammo placement could be better and look less bland than the usual rectangle. And there is a seeker powerup on the left side with a bouncer powerup near the top. There isn’t anything on the right side except for the carrot. I never really liked the idea of considering a carrot on one side and a powerup on the other as balanced.


    Nope. This has potential, though, which is why 6.2 is my rating.

    The Edit: While some things were improved, other things were worsened. There are now some borders on the side (although sadly not on the top as well) which seem to have been added in the laziest fashion. Eye candy and proper tileset use is still needed for most of this level. Spring placement was modified but it didn’t help enough overall. Moving the seeker powerup was a good idea, but it leaves yet another deadend in the level. The bouncer powerup was moved to a place where it’s easier to shoot and get through a wall, and now I think it’s too close to the seeker powerup (especially since players are now able to shoot the seeker powerup with bouncers from where they get the bouncer powerup). Yes, bouncers go through walls in case this wasn’t noticed yet. Bomb scenery is good for preventing this, but use it wisely. Furthermore, ammo placement wasn’t much better, and fast fires should have been placed in corners instead. And I forgot to mention this from before, but there should only be one green spring instead of two near pos 83,45. Anyway, I feel that my rating should stay the same; much work is once again needed. Better luck next time.[This review has been edited by BlurredD]

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    Lark Posted more than 21 years ago


    I’ll just run through major pros and cons.

    Nice background.
    Mazy layout, which forces you to learn the level before you want kick ass in it right away.

    Bad sprite layer eyecandy.
    The spring placement, and choice of Keep events is rather bad.
    Flag bug is present.

    Anyway, basically, what BlurredD said.

    Average level.

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    DeepD!sh CC Posted more than 21 years ago


    Well, i play since a weak With jazz, i think this is only for Spazz, with Jazz you cant play fast. So, a 6.0 for this!

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    snzspeed Posted more than 21 years ago


    Hmmm…its an a average ctf level.
    keep makind levels, da man, this level was quite promissing.Anyway,my rating is 6.2.

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    sonictth Posted more than 21 years ago

    second time a just 1 level including pack.