Ok, enough with the negativity here! some people just look at the bad sides with looking at the good ones (I’m not saying names, that would be a personal attack) Anyway, here’s what I think of this set…
Considering this is made in MS Paint (yes, the infamous program which a reputation of having made bright, limited colored sets), the colors are actually nicely done, which scores extra points in my book. Unfortunately, that’s all there is. The tileset itself is pretty basic, as mentioned in earlier reviews, with just ground, blocks, and some signs. No background, eye candy, nothing to increase the appeal of a level, aside from a bone in the ground, but that’s it: nothing. The example level only shows you how you can use the set and some facts about it.
On an interesting note, I’ve read the readme (as always, reviewers should make a habit of that, there is a point to making them. Heck, even the name of the zip file says you should read it) and it was all about how he got inspiration, how he loved 24… And it says he can draw well, he even drew mangas (Japanese comics for the unknowing). I believe that if he had the proper tools, he could become like Agama, but that’s just me :p
Back to the set. Overall, the rating is on a borderline, just because of the good colors in Paint (I’m a sucker for those, I know). The only thing I can do is suggest these things: get a free copy of Paint Shop Pro somewhere, it works much better than Paint. Secondly, take a good look at tilesets of others (I suggest Agama, Disguise and Blade), especially at the eye candy they put in. I can only give it a 5, because I’m nice :)
- JelZe GoldRabbit =:3