Posted more than 21 years ago
first when i played it for the first time i found bugs.
i said it to him and he made it better.
1-good eyecandy.
2-small :(.
3-not much ammo but its OkEy.
4-the bases ar to close to eachother… but it dont metter.
oke, i give this an 7.5.
download recommed: hmmm if you like ctf…
host this often? i dont think so..
Ps: i am now an betatester, if you whant to let test yor levels, put me on msn!
msn: Ruwandx12@msn.com
i am bored so let me betatest thinks!
Posted more than 21 years ago
Bah. Not so good. DX overrated this big time.
Eyecandy – Bad
Bad eyecandy… all though there is a background, and that’s all ways good. The eyecandy in other places if just annoying and ugly. Some tiles don’t go together.
Gameplay – Bad
Bad gameplay. Expect a boring time, especially if you’re Jazz. Frusturating, too.
Flow – Bad
Bad flow… the spring placement is annoying, and some places lack springs. Jazz can’t reach many areas, for example, on top of the floating building. Spaz can barely reach that, either.
Layout – Bad
Hideous layout.
Ammo placement – Okay
The ammo placement is merely okay… nothing good, though.
Size – Bad / okay
Not so good, but at least it’s A LITTLE big…
Host this often – Not a chance… it’s 1.24, anyway.
Download – No.
DX: Rate everything 1.0 points lower than you would normally rate them, and your ratings will be far more reasonable. Also, look at the gameplay… don’t rate levels high just because they look neat, or your friends made them, or you beta tested it. GAMEPLAY is everything. Flow, etc. The level has to be enjoyable and easy to get around in for good gameplay. I never see you look at the gameplay when rating.
Posted more than 21 years ago
A nice level, but again its have some places with no eyecandy or spring room…
Posted more than 21 years ago
Late CTF Level Review Number 05: War Time!
(Against my better judgment, I will review this level offline. I may later on adjust the rating when I finally get around to hosting this online.)
Simply stated: Distopia gone awry. This level is Spaz-biased with bad spring placement. When I say “Spaz-biased,” it means anyone playing as Jazz will have a much harder time getting around the level than if they were Spaz. When I say “bad spring placement,” it either means some springs should be moved, some springs should be removed, some springs should be changed (as to a different color), or some springs should be added. The level is also way too cramped in places, such as at the top right. Running around base to base through all possible routes before uploading this level might have helped to discover these problems with flow. The Blue base is crammed into some tight space while the Red base is in a much more open area—a sign of unbalance. The unevenness of open and cramped spaces here and there makes most of this level unbalanced. The same type of dead-ends as seen in the last level are present here. Also, some of the animating lights have masking problems (meaning that as it animates, the light occasionally becomes solid, which it shouldn’t). I doubt this will ever be fixed, but I said it anyway. In short, use better beta-testers, please. Thanks.
Eye candy is basic, but it still suffers from misusage and tiling errors. There isn’t enough variety in types of tiles used. And near the bottom of the level, I could see the textured background underneath the mountain tiles in the background. That’s a bad thing, BTW.
The placement of the full energy carrot is decent, but it’s completely dull and all. Ammo placement isn’t improved too much. It still isn’t distributed evenly throughout the level. Powerup placement is almost decent, if the carrot is considered as part of the balance, but I still question it.
I don’t think so. Reviewing this level made me tired. 5.7 just because.
PS: Do me a favor and make a level without using one dead-end whatsoever. And don’t forget to add a next level setting next time. Some music would be nice as well.
Posted more than 21 years ago
Dx about number2 Its small
Have you says that To?
I don’t think that a small lvl get an 7.5:I