Good i would give it a ten if you could make other kind of lvls easier.
(so not only hotels)
(Unsupported rating removal. Please explain your rating more. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Hello this is our third hotel tileset please download thanks it is a really cool golden 5 star hotel with lots of expensive cool stuff we really love making hotel tilesets they are so cool and have lots of furniture and rooms and there are so many cool things you can do with them! We hope you like this tileset because we like making it because we were together when we made it the two computers were right next to each other and this is our first tileset we made together like this it was really cool we hope you like it PLEASE DOWNLOAD AND RATE IT 10 TNX!
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Hotel DELUXE | 3.03 kB |
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Hotel Deluxe (fix) | 147.73 kB |
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Nine One One | 948.70 kB |
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Good i would give it a ten if you could make other kind of lvls easier.
(so not only hotels)
(Unsupported rating removal. Please explain your rating more. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
this is great!!!!
Hooray. The fifth good hotel tileset is finally here! :D
Colors: Very good
I love the colors… all most like the colors in Mirrow’s Kingdom.
Masking: Very Good.
Great masking. The only thing I dislike about the masking is the edges of the ground tiles. Tsk, Violet’s right. I thought it was just me, but the stairs are masked very poorly. I won’t take off anything because I’m nice.
Animations: Good / very good
It doesn’t have too much, but what there is is wonderful. It uses Mirrow’s 1337 fire animation from Wisetyness, and a lovely gold shower animation that looks edited from True Rabbit Hotel.
Graphics: Very good
Must I explain?
Compatabiltity: Good / very good
Well, first off, the snow does not work, but you don’t need snow here.
Water works in 8bit! :D
COOL POLES! :D I’m giving you points for the 1337ness of the poles! :D The jungle pole looks kind of funny, though.
Pinball bumpers do not work. =(
Pinball flippers work, and look awesome in the process! :D
Eyecandy tiles: Very good
Not that it matters; people usually don’t put eyecandy into hotels, anyway. There is no background, though. Why? =(
Palette: N/A
Overall: Very good
Great tileset. You don’t see many beauties like this anymore… a must download for noobs and experienced level makers alike.
Download: Yes.
Build with this: Yes.[This review has been edited by labratkid]
Uh, oh. I have discovered many weak points while building a level with this. You can have thirteen animations, which is most definetely not enough. The person I was building the level with deserted me and the project because of this. Here’s your -.3. Sorry.[This review has been edited by labratkid]
While this is quite overrated, I do say this is an above average tileset (or at least above the average we have recently… LACK OF GOOD TILESETS HAS DRIVEN ME MAD!!!!). It has two types of surfaces for the marble ground- golden and vervet-carpeted. There are two types of layer 4 backgrounds- tile and some wallpaperish thing. There are vines, hooks, signs, and tubes. There are no destruct blocks, or spikes. But then again, hotel tilesets rarely need those. And for eyecandy, you would expect there to be a lot, right, since eyecandy is what hotel tilesets are more or less about? Correct. There is a lot of eyecandy. You have a lot of hotel cabinets, refrigerators, chairs, sinks, toilets, ect (most of which seem to just be golden re-colors of stuff from the previous hotel tilesets you made- shame on you). There, however, is no scenery for the background layers besides 8 (OMG MINUS MINUS POINTS!!!!!111). However, there are penguin butlers and stuff- including a penguin with it’s ‘tuxedo’ off (OMG PLUS PLUS POINTS!!!!!111). But really, I like the ‘golden’ trim around everything and that toilet (is it a toilet? It kinda looks like some sorta TV. also…) is… original. And that chan…. wow! is that a penguin bowing! Kewl. What was I saying? Oh yessss…. that chandelier (sp?) is nifty. Since my brain is obviously messing up now I will just say I shall give this tileset a 8.5…… oh yea, and that that euro is OBVIOUSLY on steroids.
1-blocks from DREAM HOTEL :D
3-good ani-tiles!
4-good ex-level ( just kidding. )
its good, but i dont think i will make levels with it, mayby ;)
a 10?!
an 9 from me!!!
NIEK dont give a review of 1 LINE it will be delete ( i think ) a review must be 3 lines[This review has been edited by dx dc]
OMG. Everything Hotel Dream had and less, with a basic idea taken from Mirrow’s Kingdom, and ratings such as would impress Eagle. Or someone. What more is needed in a tileset?
GRAPHIC QUALITY: Imagine a mix between Mirrow’s Kingdom and Hotel Dream. Hotel Dream’s tiles (quite literally, in several cases) with Mirrow’s Kingdom’s color scheme. Basically this is a yellow, white and blue tileset with hints of red. And it’s for hotels.
As for the actual quality, this varies between tiles. The authors have brought over Mirrow’s Fire animation, AGAIN, and it almost manages to look ok when placed inside a fireplace. There’s an ugly folding chair, some penguins who change color when they animate movement, a weird pillar..
ok, I’ll be honest. That’s just the bad stuff. And the good stuff, which is annoying because I really wanted this tileset to be bad, is probably the majority. You’ve got your luxurious bed in three colors, various one tile high furniture thingies, an interesting textured background (which WORKS) a few nice textures here or there, and a wardrobe which would look lovely if it was attached to anything.
Oh, and of course, there’s a lot of stuff taken from previous tilesets. All the kitchen stuff, the shower (parts of it, anyway), the tiled wallpaper, Disguise’s font, Mirrow’s fire, Mirrow’s Babe, the |’‘ pipes, the mailbox, text signs ripped from JJ2 tilesets…
All in all, the graphics quality is pretty good, but a few of the tiles you should avoid putting in your levels. For example, the !Tuxedo Penguin, or (depending on the length) the green table.
Pros: The candles, the blue pillars, the ornate stuff, the umbrella.
Cons: The floor texture, the folding chair.
Rating: 8.7
VARIETY: Hotel tilesets should have variety, right? Lots of everything? Of course. But Disguise and Mirrow may not have heard that. There is one type of wall, though you can put a carpet on it if you really like. The platforms can’t be removed from the brick wall, and to be honest, the whole tileset has a “been there, done that, ignored the t-shirt” feel.
Fortunately, Disguise/Mirrow make up for this at least in part by including at least a few helpful tiles. Pillars, golden pipes, that spirally gold stuff, fireplace siding and the letter bars all could concievably twisted into bizarre and interesting eyecandy effects. But not enough. And seeing as there is no official Foreground OR Background eyecandy, levels made with this may end up feeling kind of… empty somehow.
Pros: Some easily usable tiles.
Cons: Mostly one-use-only, no official eyecandy.
Rating: 7.2
MASKING: Disguise (maybe?) saves the day with a masking job! Or so it seems at first glance. There’s stuff in the background, the walls are masked logically with no apparent bugs… but the hotel stuff. Oh yes, the hotel stuff. None of it is masked at all. You cannot stand on the couches, bask in the shower, sit on the chairs, lay in the bath, swing from the chandelier, or even climb onto the umbrella. It is all unmasked. How boring. Oh, and the stairs don’t work too well.
Pros: Most things work.
Cons: Stairs, unmasked thingies.
Rating: 7.5
POSSIBILITIES AND/OR INVENTORY: Inventory first. This tileset has a Vine, a V-Pole (no H-Pole, and it doesn’t work off of a wallpaper), water tiles, sucker tubes and a textured BG, but that’s really about it. None of the poles really work, nor does snow. The tileset is missing lots of absolutely essential things.
As for possibilities? As a direct result of above factors, this tileset is regrettably unusable. It’s too bland for a hotel, too flashy for a battle, missing too many tiles, and of course other tilesets can do basically anything this can do better.
Pros: It has a few things.
Cons: Spikes, H-Poles, better V-Poles, hooks, keys and locks to go with those (distinctly non-working) doors, a better palette… you know, there is a reason for beta testing.
Rating: 6.7
OVERALL (not a batting average): At first glance, you should love this tileset. But it’s a crowd pleaser and little more. Good for those who want to impress everyone graphically, but too lacking if you want more than that. Download recommendation to look at, but if you want to make a hotel, use Dream or True. Or even something else.
Pros: Ok, I’ll admit it. The graphics ARE great.
Cons: Gimme a B! Gimme an E! Himme a T! Gimme an A!
Rating: 8.2
Hmm nice! very nice pallete. I know from Disguise and Mirrow that they can make nice timelsets, but i never dreamed its gonna so far. the pinguins are very nice:) i need some budlers :D i hope for you (Disguise,Mirrow) nobody rate lower then a 7.7 good work!
Again a tileset from the GREAT hotel heroes
Lets start:
the tileset is verry nice and i like the blocks tiles from old hotel versions from you changed.
i think i make a battle with it
i like more that you can use the tiles.
That you can go in the bank
like the other hotels
an 8.5 from me
I liked the tileset plenty yesterday when trafton was hosting it. The graphics look good and it looks to be a very happy place. I love the little golden pole thingis and hey look — mirrow’s babe is in gold ;). Anyway, its a download reccomendation for me for its uber gfx, and also, in my opinion, no masking > masking (in relation to furniture) the only reason this Doesnt get a 10 from me is the annoying furniture and poles and everything look like they are BEHIND the ground instead of on it. I realize that this would take up more tiles to do, but still, It would look a lot better and be much more rewarding (to my eyes anyway). Get this now! :D
Violet: if the overall is 8.2, why did you rate it 7.7?
I LOVE THIS TILESET. Firstly, I just love the detail. Those red carpet rolls on the stairs, the TV where jazz runs through a castle level, the penguins etc. This is just great. Now, the coloring, it couln’t have suprised me more. First thing that really caught my attention was the roofs. They look like the ones from Hotel Dream, but they are a nice shade of green and they are just good to look at. The brick tiles look so textured and detailed, its just awesome. Though I already mentioned it, the stairs are nicely done. There are also some backround bricks added in and some spiffular doors. There is also some nice creamy white backround tiles which are just great to look at. There are also green and white bg brick tiles which remind me from the blue and white ones from hotel Dream. The stairs, ground tiles and stuff are redone twice with those two backrounds persisting behind them. There is also a cool fireplace (The flames look cartoony and well done as well btw) and the green roof tiles which I already discussed. Just like in every good hotel tileset, there are letters and numbers, done twice (one with wood behind and one without). There are golden elevators and pipes (which again remind me of the green elevators and grey pipes in Hotel Dream) and then come the furniture and extra stuff. There are a whole bunch of little penguins doing various things. They look so miniature and cool that I can’t resist keeping them out of any future levels of mine made with this set, no mattter the gametype. Let me just say that there is a good variety in the furniture, and the coloring of it is great. The furniture is redone twice more with the creamy white and green white backrounds. Then comes the MIRROW BABE =)))) and some palette tiles, the layer 8 backround, and a wodden board that says Mirrow, Dis(h)guise and Hotel Heroes. There is also small pools of water of which the coloring looks good, and they fit into the set well.By looking at this set carefully, I can tell that there will be many hotel levels made with this. The masking of the solid tiles is good, the masking of the invisible tiles ok (there is a larger variety of invisible tiles here). The furniture isn’t masked (though some of it shoulda been..).
Overall, this tileset looks like a re-colored improved version of Hotel dream, with some tiles from Mirrow’s kingdom (as someone probably mentioned this before me), except with some new tiles added. This looks great, you’ll be missing out on a LOT if you dont download this now. This definately gets a download reccomendation from me and a nice 8.7 from me.
Edit: Argh, after making some levels with this I found out it only has room for 13 animations. Therefore you cant possibly make a good trigger filled hotel and stuff. <(. This results in -.7 points downgradign the rating to an 8. [This review has been edited by Blackraptor]
It’s best hotel tileset. Yes. But it can be much, much better. One hotel has cool graphic, second has lot of things… What about mix? It WILL much better!
Sadly, this is the weak point of the tileset. There isn’t background eyecandy. The details are shocking, like a jazz running through Battle 1 on a TV and some penguins. But overall, I hope this will be better in a (perhaps) next version.
The masking is OK, but you can’t sit in the bath or something like that. Further there’s nothing to say about the mask.
Again, great, but it reminds me of Hotel Dream, because of the same tiles again and again used with different background. Because you haven’t made any background eyecandy, you should make the wallpapers one tile and you can use layer 5 or 6 for wallpapers. If you delete the background again again and then put something new, it would be a lot better.
Overall: Not better than the earlier tilesets, but a nice one. I hope more versions of this, with better masking and background eyecandy. Download this.
My review,
1: colors
the colors are cool and 3d liked,
Realy deluxe.: 8.5
2: tiles
Cool 3d hotel tiles like people
and walls and Sofa’s.: 9.0
3: big/small
This is a big tileset, and
all the tiles are filled.: 8.5
4: animation
Nice animation’s like water drips,
But not very long one’s.: 7.5
5: The ratin.: a 9.5
Download it: Yes !
[This review has been edited by niek]
Wow! amazing! i have never seen something like this before….but, my review is here:
Animations:Good – there are some animations , lot much though.
Colors:Excellent – i just love those colors!! theyre amazing!
Size:good/ok the size is good, too bad that 1.23 Jcs has that annoying tile limit…. :(
Graphics:Very good – Graphics are just great….
Masking:good/ok – masking is good, but only bad thing is that most of the “stuff” is unmasked , like those chairs, tables etc.
Overall:Good/very good – great set, had some bugs but it is ok anyways.
Download recommedation – yes!
Build with this – yes….
Final rating:8.5
Really cool through
Eye Candy: Good
Animated: Cool
Buttstomps: None
Animals: Cool! 8-)
Alphabet: Cool! ;D
Other: Wow, I like eye candy, and the animals! Yeah, this tileset is cool! Yeah, it rocks! 7.5 from me! ;)
Bye and have a nice day!
When I first joined a hotel server on jj2 a while ago it used this tileset, and I’m like Holly (censored)! This tileset is sweet! I wonder who made it. I asked the host (I’m not listing any names)and he told me it is Disguise and Mirrow’s new tileset. So when the server closed I put the tileset from my cache right into my jj2 folder and opened JCS and made a new level with this tileset.
Masking: 5.5; A few problems with the invisible stairs and the tables and sofas were not solid (usually put solid things on the tables and like to sit on the sofas) so that kinda bugged me too.
Graphics: 10; Hmmm looks like some kinda gold and platinum (or ice) tileset :D Looks exellent.
Recomendations: Update and upload the masks. Exept for that this tileset was great!
Penquin servents: YES! Servents! exelent. +.5 to rating
Rating: 8.0
Download recomendation possibillity: 70%
Edit: Rating calculation mistake.[This review has been edited by sk8terboy]
This is the really nice tileset.It has everything what is needed. I like tilesets made by Hotel Heroes.Their tilesets are aalways nice, well done and everything is placed logically. This tileset for sure is better then Hotel Dreams.
I like this yellow stairs and yellow stairs with red carpet. You can do very cool levels with it.
I will give you 9.
This is the very tileset that Jam used in his hotel. Now this tileset is going to bring 1.23 and TSF together.
ya….this tileset is good.But hotel heroes can you mix all the tileset you have made to 1 tileset?It will be more perfect Thanks.
Thanks Thanks Thanks
I was searching a tileset as good as this one!
This tileset has been used by a lot of people and it’s still is, especially these times, and I think this aspect is one of the most important things on a tileset.
[Review changed to quick review. ~cooba]
Great tileset
best hotel tileset till now :D :D
I can’t wait to make hotels with it
Thank you!
Ummm, heh, SUPRIIISE!
I (Disguise) kinda messed up when I uploaded the tileset, the original version has some major masking bugs and some minor alignment bugs.
How to know if you have the fixed version? Easy! The fixed version is named ‘Hotel Deluxe (fix)’ instead of ‘Hotel Deluxe’. It also has the filename ‘HotelDeluxefix.j2t’ instead of ‘HotelDeluxe.j2t’
If you have the original version then PLEASE DELETE HotelDeluxe.j2t from your Jazz2 directory and enjoy the greatness of the fixed version! :D
HotelDeluxe.j2t = BROKEN DELETE!
HotelDeluxefix.j2t = GOOD KEEP IT!
new on jazz online takes a lot to impress
tiles 8.8
background 4.0
music 7.5
number of tiles 7.0
best leval i have seen so far agamas levals comes second to this next time you make a leval like this make a more interesting bacckground also funny tiles i love the pengwins good job
[Unsupported rating (10.0) clearance. Please provide support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. ~Cooba]
Such at ratboy but!
tiles 10/10
background 10/10
music 10/10(I very loved it!)
number of tiles 10/10
[Unsupported rating (10.0) clearance. Please provide support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. ~Cooba]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.