Hot As Wel

  • Rating: 7

Reviews and comments

    007 Posted more than 21 years ago


    Originally posted by Cooba:
    Ouch! It’s pain!
    This one is hard one, I liked hard levels. Original idea with killing lava is very hot and cool >;>

    Very good design of this level. Collapsing ground is everywhere! Also lavafalls is very nice. Good job, Skulg.


    Also interesting. Good ideas is on every way, corner… in every tile.
    The arena is extra, i liked this version in “Machines”


    Excellent level. I can’t rate it higher since dear Trafton remove it (d’amn.)


    PS. I don’t have MSN.

    ***** Cooba *****

    OMG what a raiting AND revieuw A 9.0??

    K now my raiting

    backround Bad only fire
    no later7 and 6
    only layer5
    The enemies are strange at start
    the ground is strange then comes bads
    really strange.
    IT is Verry Jazz undfriendly
    and you go die in lava idea by blurredD
    a 6.0 from me

    trafton delete revieuws from the guy with the 9.5 because this is never an 9.5 or an 8.0 :S

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    Backslash Posted more than 21 years ago



    This is one of your best levels ever maded. Everything is nice, but the eyecandy can be better. I don’t like the bats, you can’t see them and suddenly they will attack you. This is very-very-very Jazz unfriendly. It’s very hard too, normally I like that, but now it’s very irritating. It’s very irritating that there are almost no weapons and savepoints. That makes it soooo hard… No carrots too. 6.5/10

    Greetz BS

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    Amstel Posted more than 21 years ago


    A SinglePlayer,
    Hmm first off al, when you’re so far you can fall, every scene you can fall, its to hard when you look so, but, for a good singleplayer player its a good SP. But a normal avararage cant play this out, for all of this a 6.5 good try! (for good SP players)

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    Vera met de clans Posted more than 21 years ago


    A very good lvl. Very hard;)

    i give a 8.5.

    No bugs
    ammo…. less
    hehe, demon en bad…. i like that
    no carrots?
    Cool lavafals! :P Hot lavafals….
    its Very very hard!

    I like this lvl!! Good work dx!

    This is a short review. It has less impact on the upload's score.

    PHT Posted more than 21 years ago


    Trigger at start didn’t work, so I wasn’t able to destroy the blocks. Dx, have you set the trigger id to 0?
    Triggers with id 0 don’t work

    Oh! I see what to do now, but I first have to play through this, then I’ll review

    WOAH! This is soo HARD!!!!!
    YAIH! I am medium reviewer ;-D
    Sry let’s begin with my review

    The gameplay is good I think, but has some bad points. Main Comment is that it is too hard. For example at the start where you search the crate to make some ground appear, if you enter the room with the crate, 3 rocks ‘attack’ you and you almost have to loose energy. (YAIH! I didn’t loose a life one time :-P). The idea with th bats flying out of the wall was annoying but good. At first I was confused because I thought shooting at the blocks at start haven’t got any effect so Dx made the trigger thingie wrong. Now I see you must shoot longer. Then there was a bug, but that exists because the tilesets masking, but that’s Skulg’s fault :-P. So, you can fly near the right wall (under the blocks) and stand on it, then look up and shoot and you can destroy the blocks without finding the crate and loosing energy because of the rocks. Dx had some good ideas like at one place you must buttstomp on a floating sucker and go to the next and don’t fall in the lava. That’s a good idea, but really hard and annoying. I think it is the hardest part of the hole level. As I fell in the Lava the first time I thought this must be the classical CTF death, but Dx made something make you gonna loose a life if you fall in the lava. I don’t know how he made this, but it’s cool. Bad point of this dying is that you loose lifes but no credits :-P
    PROS: some new ideas
    CONS: TOO HARD!!!!
    Rating: 7.0

    The tilesez Dx used was “Where Bad Rabbits Go” I saw before in ‘The Demon Invasasion’ from moonblaze. I like this tileset a lot, also I like how Dx used the tileset. I saw no tilebugs and the eyecandy is good I think.
    PROS: good eyecandy, cool tileset choosen, not the epic one for hell
    CONS: The ‘lava falls’ in the background are a bit too slow I think
    Rating: 8.5

    There wasn’t any ammo, only some bouncers that I couldn’t reach, because Jazz can’t jump high enough. Dx, MAKE AMMO IN YOUR LEVELS!!!!!!
    Also I saw no items so far, ok there was I checkpoint (that I really liked) but what about coins or diamonds or things like that? The enemy place ment was ok I think, There were devils, some bats that attacks through walls and suckers/floating suckers. The floating suckers you must “use” to because you fall in lava if you don’t do :-P.
    PROS: The checkpoint ;)
    CONS: TOO LESS AMMO!!!, no items
    Rating: 5.0

    Hmm….I think I will play this again sometimes, because I still hope I can finish this :-], the fun factor was ok, but it could be better if this were easier. The lava thing and the “Buttstomp the Sucker” parcour where original but HARD
    PROS: Some original ideas, makes fun because it’s hard
    CONS: It’s hard, that can be very confusing
    Rating: 6.0

    But as I played and tried to do this, I began to enjoy the hardness. I think this is a good level for a rainy evening when you are alone and don’t wanna think on the girl/boy you love that don’t loves you :-[ (like me today)
    DOWNLOAD RECCOMENDATION: If you feel like me today evening or search a HARD level than YES

    [This review has been edited by PHT]

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    wadledee Posted more than 21 years ago


    Wowha! Very hard to pas those LVL’s from you, DX!
    STOP MAKING SO DIFICULT LVL’s DX! It’s not funny when your are die’ing thousand times and you haven’t even REACH an safe-sign! I payed allready Hot Springs and Lava Time! That was even harder then playing the original game’s on HARD MODE! STOP IT!

    OK, Good tileset, good eyecandy but there are NO carrots! Why!?
    Good idea to make an endboss that’s behindt an wall!

    this review has been edited by Wadledee

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    Ðx Posted more than 21 years ago

    hehe, quotienta….
    its hard i know

    dont get mad on me.

    PS: you must buttstomp on the floating sucker, then go to the right, then buttstomp on the other whan and again……….

    Hint: Play as jazz.
    for the people who whans a HARDER game play as spaz.

    Ps: id yor spaz you get the ammo ( bouncer)
    it will be handy for spazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    And if you fall in the lava you will die :P:P


    The level has a boss to, he will come at the end, and its a tuf boss you must kill him with ammo 9, shoot trow the wall to kill him!

    that was it :D:D

    [This review has been edited by dx dc]

    OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [This review has been edited by dx dc]

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    Quotienta Posted more than 21 years ago

    Very orignally!

    lava hurts?! my lives :’(
    to hard i can say.
    make bigger levels

    :D i am happy that ther ar cheats! :D

    a 8 from me.

    (Rating removal. DO NOT rate this user’s levels higher than other’s for no reason. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

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    cooba Posted more than 21 years ago

    Ouch! It’s pain!
    This one is hard one, I liked hard levels. Original idea with killing lava is very hot and cool >;>

    Very good design of this level. Collapsing ground is everywhere! Also lavafalls is very nice. Good job, Skulg.


    Also interesting. Good ideas is on every way, corner… in every tile.
    The arena is extra, i liked this version in “Machines”


    Excellent level. I can’t rate it higher since dear Trafton remove it


    PS. I don’t have MSN.

    ***** Cooba *****

    (Rating/Filter bypass removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

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    martijn_haan Posted more than 21 years ago

    (Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]