Jazz Palette Station ( not jj2 )

  • Rating: N/A

Reviews and comments

    Pyromanus Posted more than 21 years ago

    This is great but it still could and should improve.
    Make it so it previews snow and the pinball events too, cos now I still need to start JJ2 to check those.

    With the right mouse button you select an array but there’s no way to deselect an array.

    Make more “import palet compatibilities” (nice word huh) I use photoshop to make my sets.[This review has been edited by Pyromanus]

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    et Posted more than 21 years ago

    Thanks mate, i was trying to think of what other objects are effected by the palette colours that arn’t the normal jj2 colours. I’ll add those in the next version ( btw u can simply edit the pcx image and put some other stuff in there ). I’ll try to make compatability for other pal files but its not easy. I’m reading from bytes and stuff so i don’t know how to detect different pal types. Paint Shop Pro 7 is a simple text file…wish microsoft had made it that simple. If you can send me a photoshop palette file to et_jazz2@hotmail.com i’ll get working on it. I’ll add a ‘shift + right click’ or something for a deselect array unless you can think of an easier way of making it user friendly.


    help option dont help cause its very confusing.’
    I\‘ll have to work on that, make some more articles, add in some stuff for explaining what tilesets are why palettes are used. I was in a rush while i made the help file.


    ‘Can\‘t load palettes created by any program other than itself.’
    The pal format I used is the ‘microsoft palette’. When you export a palette from PSP 7 you can change the file type to be a microsoft palette. But i will add some more file types to the list, like PSP 7 pal, photoshop pal, bmp files, ect.

    ‘No option for viewing palettes in their normal order’
    common mate this is for Jazz Jackrabbit, why would you want the normal order ? I thought by categorising colours it would make it easier for people.

    ‘You have to press enter after changing the RGB values to set the color, and even then it only works if Red is the value with focus’
    yeah i made it that you had to press enter, i’ll change it if it makes things easier. Sorry about the ‘Red is focus’ bug, just made a mistake, will easily be fixed.

    ‘It’s not like there\‘s only one place to put textured backgrounds…’
    I always thought it had to be in that location so that the level will run ok in 8 bit.

    ‘Help file: Effects Tool Press this button to confirm the changes you made to this animating tile’s properties. doesn’t make very much sense’
    LOL!!! LMAO! I used the JCS help to get the same layout. Forgot to paste some text in there i guess.

    ‘Nothing telling you which palette slot is selected’
    Um…isn’t there a white outline around the selected slots?

    ‘No way to get a Negative Color effect’
    Why would you want one ?

    ‘If you go into Choose Single Palette Color mode, JPS won’t remember which palette slots you had previously selected.’
    Ok i’ll put that in, sounds like a good idea. I was hoping no one would notice that they all got deselected :P


    ‘The shortcut for SELECT NONE is the same as NEW FILE so if you press CTRL + N, you automatically start a new file without a prompt.’
    oops, ok i’ll fix that. And I’ll stick a prompt in there for ya.

    ‘You can\‘t open other palette files well’
    Jeez why did people have to make their own Pal format, what was wrong with the microsoft one ?

    ‘Final rating: 5.5’
    Thanks mate! That sort of inspiration makes us programmers eager to code freeware stuff! :P

    Na but seriously thanks everyone for making those reviews. If anyone finds any more bugs I will fix them ASAP. When i get round to making a proper credit screen in the ‘about’ I’ll place your names in there. If anyone has any suggestions on how to make this program better and easier for JJ2 tileset makers go right ahead and suggest them. But do remember i’m trying to keep this program small and Jazz 2 related. Unless its of a slight benifit to JJ2 tilesets, I an’t programming it.

    Alot of comments i’ve read are about that you can’t import other palettes. Well you can, but they have to be the ‘microsoft format’. When your saving a palette in another program theres often an option for what type of format ( even though they have the same extension) you want the palette to have.

    Anyway I’ll add in some common formats like PSP 7 and Photoshop once i figure out how to read them. I’ll also add an import from PCX ( so using jj2 u can rip palettes out of other sets by taking screenshots ) and bmp.

    Latest Update

    1. Layout has been changed, only 2 categories ( the jj2 colours and user colours ).
    2. Palette Entitiy ID have been added as tool tips
    3. Supports PSP 8 pal files ( not yet photo shop pal files )
    4. Pinball and snow and flipper things have been added to the ‘preview’ screen. ( you can edit it yourself but ).
    5. Can ‘steal’ palettes from bmp files
    6. Can ‘steal’ palettes from pcx files ( so you can take a screenshot at runtime in jj2 and you can open the pcx file and steal the palette from another tileset ! )
    7. When you do the right click selection thing, if the first square you click is already selected, then it does a ‘deselect between spaces’ thingy.
    8. Prompts have been added to ‘new game’ and closing
    9. middle click works like pressing the ‘change single palette colour’ button.
    10. The tools have been repositioned and stuff.
    11. All bugs have been fixed that you guys have reported.

    If you have anymore suggestions please make them now.

    [This review has been edited by ET]

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    Fanden Posted more than 21 years ago

    im not gonna rate this but only say that:
    What is this? the help option dont help cause its very confusing. (Never used a palette before, but how hard is it?) I try to understand what tis is but I cant understand. no readme for new users. need some improvement. can u pherhaps give some tips about how this work? It wouldnt get a high rating form me, thats sure. =(

    (Content clearence. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

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    Violet CLM Posted more than 21 years ago

    ET, latest suggestion: Now that you’ve made all these nice changes, could you be persuaded to reupload the file?[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]

    Lark Posted more than 21 years ago

    The shortcut for SELECT NONE is the same as NEW FILE so if you press CTRL + N, you automatically start a new file without a prompt.

    You can’t open other palette files well.

    Very buggy.

    Final rating: 5.5

    I won’t rate it, since I feel bad giving something that has so much potential a low rating.

    That was uncalled for, DX. Bjarni doesn’t understand what it’s for. Bjarni, it’s for creating tilesets and making special colors in them. In the Swamps tileset, green colors turn out to be brown. That’s what it’s for; doing that stuff.[This review has been edited by labratkid]

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    the real one Bjarni Posted more than 21 years ago

    It’s bad, really! I tried to change the coloour, but guess what! IT DIDN’T CHANCE IN JAZZ JACKRABBIT II, I WANTED ORANGE SPAZ IN SINGLE PLAYER BUT IT DIDN’T WORK!!!!!!!!! N\A from me, sorry, it’s that bad!

    ~Bjarni Haraldur Sigfússon[This review has been edited by the real one Bjarni]

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    Ðx Posted more than 21 years ago

    i will review later

    bjarni sheez!

    (Flame tag clearence. Do not use placement reviews in the future. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

    snzspeed Posted more than 21 years ago

    Dx, bjarni’s levels atleast have backgrounds, and your levels are bad too. ;p

    cool,nice program by the way.

    Litenante_91 Posted more than 21 years ago

    Must i have JJ1 to do own tilesets with that program!?

    (Content clearence. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

    martijn_haan Posted more than 21 years ago


    (Rating removal. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]

    PurpleJazz 17 Sep 2006, 08:26 (edited 17 Sep 06, 11:07 by Cooba)

    This palette-editing program is very handy for making 256-colour tilesets!
    It is very simple to use, and you can even preview what the game sprites will look like in this palette. It comes with a help file too. This program is a useful file for tileset makers.

    [Unsupported rating (9.4) clearance. There was not enough support given for the rating. – Cooba]

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    Amstel Posted more than 21 years ago

    omg i dont know how to use :S