Posted more than 21 years ago
Good levels, Bjarni =D The gameplay is a bit dull, but the backgrounds look very good. The ammo placement is original, too. Not neccasarilly something I’d ever host, but these are pretty nice. If you want a higher score, don’t make the level so linear. These levels take place on a lot of flat ground. Put platforms and stuff.
No download reccomendation.
Bjarni, you put too much eyecandy in Layer 4. Don’t put so much stuff, because it looks crowded. The backgrounds are nice.[This review has been edited by labratkid]
Posted more than 21 years ago
Bah a bad reviewe for bad levels.
The levels are way to small aand a boring ammo placement, only good eycandy, a bad layout.
-Bad layout
-Good eyecandy
-Bad tileset use
-To much ammo
Srry guy but no download recomination
Ok, I know it’s bad! But I also know I’ll get this some day! If I training, I’ll get it, I know that! Training and again training, and I’ll get it! ;) I know I can! I also know why I got bad rating, it took just few minutes, to get high rating I should take a long long time! I’m always get better, I’ll get it one day, I know that! ;)
Labratkid: I haven’t, I just used the eye candy of Jazz2!
BeckY: Your review is too short! Thanks anyway, but real reviewers say what is right and wrong and what I can fix! Common, please edit your review, I wanna know what you think about this level! Not just I’m gettin’ better! Please! :-) I wanna know what is bad and wrong, you didn’t told me! Please edit it and have it longer, I wanna know what is wrong and what I can fix, please do that! Please! Only for me![This review has been edited by the real one Bjarni]
[Extremely inappropiate text edit. Don’t post pornographic things here, Byggemester. Geez. Do it again and i’ll put you on punishment status. -FQuist]
(Anti-filter edit/Rating removal. I just wanted to add that this is worth two warnings; you are lucky for not being banned. -Trafton)[This review has been edited by Trafton AT]
Posted more than 21 years ago
Wow, Bjarni. Nice work. :) You have talent.
(Unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]