Omega war part 1 Infection

  • Rating: 2.5

Reviews and comments

    Stijn Posted more than 21 years ago


    Level 1: Some sort of introduction. You first have to do basic “training” which consists of jumping onto a big rock to reach higher places and pro trainign which consists of pretty basic shooting at enemies. Then the real level starts. Yay.
    The “real” level is hardly playable because of one of the most un1337 backgroudn I ever saw. basically it’s just some tiles placed on layer 7 and 8 and the result is very confusing. You usually can’t see what’s platform and what’s background, and omined with an overload of enemies the result is called “sucks”. Another annoying thing is that you have to wait every time you see a “door”; an anim that disappears every minute.
    Level 2 looks a little better, but still the contrast beween the background and layer 4. Again, there are way too much enemies. This level is basically as good as level 2. For some reason I couldn’t find an exit event at the place that said “exit” so I had to use jjnext. Hurray! Maybe level 3 will be the best level of the pack?
    Well, yes :P. But it’s still bad. Level 3 is supposed to look like a flying space ship, and to let it look like that the author used a moving foreground layer with what looks like random objects on it. It wasn’t really clear first, but you ahve to jump from platform to platform and if you fall down you are DOOMED by evil SPIKES :(. After trying a few times I got so furstrated I used jjfly because it just is too hard. At one part the only thing to stand on is a one-tile block with a spring on it and you have to destroy some 4* blocks. This is quite hard when the whole level is full of “wind left” events. After that you get sucked by a sucked tube and get stuck. Hurray. I guess that was the end.

    The story is pretty basic, the turtles do evil stuff and you have to save them. This is made clear by texts that don’t have any capitals at the beginnign of sentences and also miss proper punctuation.

    Next time you make a level pack focus more on eyecandy, make the levels longer and less unfair for the player. Thanks!

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