For the second time, I actually contemplate using inverse scientific notation for a rating.
1) One platform, and it’s not even long. The only obstacle in your way is a couple of unidentifiable… things… that may or may not be pokemon.
2) No baddies, no challenge… this isn’t a level so much as it is an incentive to commit to tearing your skin off, sprinkling it with salt, and scraping it with a barbeque cleaner.
3) Most of the animations weren’t even supposed to be there. The Chansee one, for instance, has the said pokemon behind a counter that appears and dissapears at 10 FPS. Why, damn you, why?!
Hell hath no fury like a crappy level. Download this only if you’d like to follow the suggestion in problem #2.
Review time again! Let`s start:
Gameplay: This level has no gameplay. It`s way too small and there`s only one platform.
Eyecandy: There are a few objects and some animations, that makes at least a few eyecandy. But it’s still boring.
Ammo placement: There were a few power-ups at the beginning and a few crates at the end with another power-up and a fast fire. There was also a 1-up that’s unnecessary in this level because it’s no SP. A carrot at the middle was better, but then it will be very dumb too because it’s just wayy too small.
Others: There were lots of tile bugs. No good platform. And there was no background!
My rating is a 1 because there’s nothing good about this level only a few animations but that’s the only thing. It was boring, too.
Posted more than 21 years ago
okey… <:-(
1-bad eyecandy
2-no background
3-bad ammo placed
4-nothing originally
5-no coins
6-no fun
1 from me..
download it: if you do it i will kill ya
host this:Never
Posted more than 21 years ago
Tileset not found
Lulu if you want to upload a level that uses a custom tileset include the tileset because not everyone has every tileset. Which tileset did you use?
Posted more than 21 years ago
ok ,the next lvl i make is better then this, i got it