Hmm, and ok CTF level, lets review:
This a ctf level created by Da man, and it is probably one of his best level, i think.Download or not? my review ( will/should ) tell it to you.
Hmm.. gamepaly is very bad.. springs aren’t well placed at all.There are blue springs in places were you could use green springs, and the result is annoying ( springs take you too high, etc) there is not any dead near red base, but there is an a dead end in blue base.I think that gameplay needs lots improvement.
Pros: well, at least there is no obstacles in flat ground so you don’t have to jump over them.
Cons:Dead ends, other things..
Rating: 5.5
Ick. ammo placement is horrible. There is some ammo, but its mostly badly placed like packs of five seeker / five bouncer, there is little bit too much ammo in it, i think, ( for this level )
actually, i think that is best to make ammo packs like this:
See? these are easy to collect by one jump.And they look little bit nicer ( i think )
Anyway, i think that ammo palcement is little below average…
Carrot placement is bad too, there is one Full energy carrot, what is in a cave, what has a dead end, that is bad, very bad.Base placement is bad too, like i said in the gameplay section, one base is in a somekind of cave with two dead ends.One is there by no reason, and the CTF base is in the other one.Anyway, i think that you should focus more on placement next time, and you would receive much higher ratings.. trust me.
Pros:At least, its ok.
Cons:very bad placement. ( see my placement section )
Hmm.. its boring.Almost every time is same, and i saw some unmasked castle tiles, but there is so small amount of them.There should be more.It wouldn’t be so boring then.There is good things too, at least i see background eyecandy in layers 6-7.Focus more on eyecandy next time.
Pros:Background layers.
Cons:Boring eyecandy..
Hmm.. its a CTF level, ( above average.) i don’t think its worth to download, but if you’re collector of CTF levels, you should download this.
FINAL RATING:5.5 ( 5.5 + 5.2 = 5.3 + 5.7 = 5.5 )
~ThE ChaiR