Posted more than 21 years ago
The LabratBattle
Well its dark :) and ther ar nice
spring placed.i found a few bugs on the ground, ther is one at the end of the seekers then ya can see.
the eyecandy is not bad at all.
food ( OMG ) nothing ( DUH )
Well nice
Nice! But this is very small and SPAZ
Ammo is nice. a carrot fnr but make a coin
warp to it with a powerup or something.
This is nice eyecandy! nice, but again
to small. you make nice levels but to
no bugs and the ammo… nah….
ther not VERY much :S
Bugs.. NOPE!
A carrot Fe but why? you can get it in 1 sec.
Host:Mayby twice ( all the levels )
7.6 >>>>> 7.7
Ok, I am not going to give a rating at each subject from now on.
Jungle Battle
Gameplay: Bad/Okay. It was quite good, but the spring placement was bad and there were dead ends.
Eyecandy: Good. It was good for a small level, not more then that
Pickup placement: Good. It was also good, but you could select other types of ammo. There was a Full Energy so it can also be a CTF level. I saw two powerups, Seeker and Blaster. Well, I already said, I think one powerup is enough.
Rating for this level a 6.2
Labrat Battle
Gameplay: good. It was good this time. Good spring placement and no dead ends.
Eyecandy: good. It was also good for a small level.
Pickup placement: Good. There were 4 types of ammo used in 5 groups of 9. There were also some fast fires. Also, there were chests of ammo. The level also has a full energy, so it also can be a small CTF level. There were two powerups, Blaster and Toaster this time.
Rating for this level a 6.7
Diamondus Battle
Gameplay: Good. It was good, but this time I liked some other colors of the springs. Example: There was a red spring which could be a blue spring.
Eyecandy: Good. It’s still good, and the eyecandy in this one was the best of the 3 levels.
Pickup placement: Good. There were 4 weapons used, and 1 in two crates. 4 of the weapons you used are the ones I also do in my levels. There were also some fast fires here. And a full energy, so I can say this pack can also be a CTF pack. There were also 2 powerups ( this time Seeker and Blaster ).
Rating for this level a 6.7
-da man
Posted more than 21 years ago
Wow! you should download this right away, youll find three good levels in the zip, which isn’t even too large.Lets start with review:
Eyecandy: good/very good
The eyecandy is good, i almost love it. Diamondus, Labrat, and Jungle, have excellent tileset use, i just love it. Great job with da eyecandy!
Okay, its an a dissapointment, that levels are so small. Make bigger levels and you would get ratings over 7.5 easily. :)
Placement:Hmm,good/ok. Ammo was placed rightly – so no major complaiments.
Fun factor/originality: Good
Hmm, i think these cool three levels are very original, and fun too. They would be cool in duels, becuz of the size. End of my review, which is quite short. ( sorry, i was quite tired )
HOST THESE:I would, if i could host. :)
~Snooz of [LS] [This review has been edited by Snooz]
Diamondus Battle Zone:
Two powerups
Too few weapons
Too small
Blackout Basement:
Too few weapons
Too small
Cool pole
Two hooks
Two powerups
Deep in the jungle:
Too small
Too few weapons
Too few powerups
Overall rating: 5.2 have a nice day!
~Bjarni Haraldur Sigfússon
Ok, but please don’t change the rating intro N/A, I just did mistakes, everybody can do mistakes! I didn’t know those mistakes! I’ll try better on my next five reviews!
Happy now?
[This review has been edited by Bjarni Haraldur Sigfússon][This review has been edited by the real one Bjarni]
Posted more than 21 years ago
Okay, real one Bjarni. There are many flaws with your review:
1) Ugh… in Diamondus Battlezone there is “Only one powerup” according to you. Where there are actually two powerups: a seeker and a blaster powerup. Where as in Blackout Basement you say, “A ton of powerups”. No offense or anything, but if there isn’t enough powerups in Diamondus but there are a “ton” of powerups in Blackout Basement, surely you must not know how to count, eh?
2) Blackout Basement has “many hooks”? I don’t think so. 2 isn’t a lot. Tsk… tsk…
3) You say in Blackout Basement that it has “cool poles” (finally, something good you said about my level), well, there is only ONE pole, so you can’t use the plural.
4) In all the levels you say, “Too few start points”. These levels are duel levels, so they are only meant for 2 players.
I hope I haven’t been to critical, but the real one Bjarni, correct your review and don’t be so critical. Many of the things you subtracted points for in my level are your mistakes. These levels took me almost a week.
That is all I have to say, don’t question my authority. If anyone else wishes to rate or comment on this level, don’t hesitate to do so.
And Bjarni Haraldur Sigfússon (as you like to be called), could you please correct your review? Thanks.[This review has been edited by Jaws3k]