Posted more than 21 years ago
Well, lets review!
You used a nice tileset for your lvl!
The bad thing is, there are NO start-places for Spaz and Jazz! That’s pretty bad, becouse if you’re playing a multiplay lvl with two people, you cant use codes for “jjfly” and “jjnowall”!
Hmm… It’s not big, but also not small! I think thats good enuf.
The ammo is just placed GREAT! Not too much and not few, just good! It’s ev’rywhere on the right places. Also, there is just ONE carrot in the whole lvl! That’s not much.
The good thing is, that the bases on the right places are placed. It’s not from you come too blue base, and you’re in a second with a hop by red base.
a nice lvl with right placed ammo and bases. Not too big, not too small. Not much too say, only that you get a 7.7 from me! Good work, Da Man!
Download Recommedation: Yes!
Host This : Yes
Rating Conclusion : an 7.7!
This review has been edited by Wadledee
Posted more than 21 years ago
omg 7.7?
yes many bugs. you can see yor feeds
with some FORGROUND thinks.@Thats not good :P i found just 2 other ground bugs..
Well. Mayby more. its not very good
at this level.
also no coin warp.
The bases ar really bad placed. i just walk to the other.
Well with the bugs its bad but its fine
without ;)
the eyecand is basic and i found 1 eyecandy bug. justa
tile wrong placed.
well it was’t bored but not
fun at all. i hope yor next
level has more fun :)
Overall:7.1 >>> 7.2
Dowload:if yor bored
Host:Mayby twice.
PS: 23 levels ar ready for my Fantasy Episode
Posted more than 21 years ago
Interesting view of Wall Street…
This level has a bland layout and could be more balanced. It looks too squared-off once again, especially around the edges. The flow is so-so since I can get around, but some places are a bit hard to get up and seem spaz-biased. Spring placement is somewhat better than before, although still could be improved. By the way, not that it’s necessary, but a larger level would be nice.
The eye candy is almost decent. Where it tries to be original, it fails and makes the level look worse. For example, the wire mesh tiles in layer 3 could have been used for innovative eye candy, but instead it just looks strange since it’s in the foreground. There aren’t enough tiles in layer 3 around the hidden passageway at 21,23; I shouldn’t be able to see my rabbit’s feet. And the tileset wasn’t used 100% correctly (once again).
Carrot placement is alright, considering the seeker powerup placement. The bouncer powerup shouldn’t be hidden or even there at all. The level is small so one powerup would work better. Ammo could be placed better, but it’s not too bad as it is.
Nah. But this is a 6.7 at least.
PS: Wadledee, no start positions in single player mode isn’t really a bug. There are multiplayer level start events in this level, so it is playable online. And Dx, do me a favor and quit mentioning coin warps unless one is actually in the level.
The Edit: Upon viewing this a second time, I realized this is a 6.2 at best. That sounds a little more accurate.[This review has been edited by BlurredD]