
  • Rating: 7.8

Reviews and comments

    Ðx Posted more than 21 years ago


    Lets get started!

    eyecandy… hmmm its oke very basic but its very nice.
    the level is big and its fun, gameplay rocks and
    the ammo placed is also nice.
    some carrots fnry and normal one’s.
    again a nice battle
    from Labratkid.
    i did’t found bugs so..

    Host this:Yep
    Download r.:Yes

    7.9 >>> 8.0

    Ðx[This review has been edited by dx dc]

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    DarkSonic Posted more than 21 years ago


    Ok, I review this.
    Gameplay: Good/very good. Excellent gameplay, great balance, the size of the level isnt that good, that water makes it a funny level, and the use of suckertubes is very good
    Eye candy: Good/Very Good. Alse excellent eye candy, but not enough to make it very good.
    Pickup placement: Good/Very Good. Its also excellent, but there are two things:
    1. Why is there a RF powerup at the left side and no one at the right side?
    2. There is a bouncer power-up at the right side with at the other side a Blaster. I dont think that that’s fair, cause bouncers are better I think. There was 1 other: Seeker, with a Full Energy above it. That’s good.
    Overall: Excellent level.
    Host often: yes, but not every day.
    Download: Yes
    I give this level a 8. Good job;).

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    blurredd Posted more than 21 years ago


    I tried something different once more.


    The layout is mostly balanced aside from it being a little lopsided. There’s is a larger playing area to the right of the carrot than there is to the left. I would prefer another method to make the flow work other than placing a lot tubes in the walls everywhere. The level also looks like it should have a lot more in it. It feels restricting, and I probably wouldn’t want to duel in a level like this, but the gameplay isn’t bad.


    It’s average eye candy, but it looks good, and I like the atmosphere. Nothing too original, but it gets the job done.


    A full energy carrot and a seeker powerup are placed at the center of the level. This arrangement makes the central area perhaps the most important part of the level. I wouldn’t suggest changing it, even though I would like it better if the seeker powerup and the carrot weren’t so close to each other. I almost like the placement of the other powerups. It would be better if the blaster and the RF powerups weren’t so close to one another. Better yet, one of those two powerups should have been taken out. And the ammo placement is questionable. The ammo on one side of the level isn’t completely balanced with the other—perhaps because the level is lopsided? Lopsided or not, it seems that the type of ammo in each cluster should have been better chosen.


    Once or twice. I didn’t really like it, but others may differ in opinion. 7.5 is my rating.

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    Blackraptor Posted more than 21 years ago


    Polyglotics by Labrat Kid, here goes:

    Pre-review comments: Polyglotics was indeed a level started a long time ago. It was hindered from being released for a few days, mostly since I kept promising lab to add something special to the level, but never got the chance. On a side note, imo the levels name is even stranger than the name of my recently released level.

    Gameplay: The gameplay is ok here, its diffent than you would expect. There are more sucker tubes in the level then springs. Although I don’t have a problem with this, and the sucker tube locations are clearly pointed out, some people might, but not me. Next, the water. It fits in the level, but imo it slows down the gameplay a bit, and I don’t like it all too much. You could of made it a bit lower. Anyways, I just don’t like it in its current state. The hanging peice of ground at 108,75 is rather annoying. When I come from the left side, its not that easy to avoid the green springs and continue going right. In some places the gameplay to me feels a bit tight (mostly around the bottom under the water). Overall, the gameplay isn’t bad, but there are several things in it which, at least to me, are annoying.

    Layout: Around 10 seconds to each base when you take the top route, around a second shorter going from the red base to the blue base if you double jump onto that high piece of ground at 139,57 instead of using the sucker tube which if you are jazz, you are forced to take if you want to get up there. I dont like it around 110, 77 where that stup hanging ground and the springs are, since to the left of that it gets crowded. Layout is alright.

    Eyecandy: I don’t really like it all that much, nothing new or special in it, it just looks plain and average. There is a layer 3 bug (132,82), and the sparkling stars in the bg don’t make too much sense (stars in the daytime?). The gems in the walls, in some areas, are too repetitive. Also, the eyecandy around the top areas of the level is very dull, nothing up there in the bg layers (except the bg) and it looks a bit boring. Overall, the eyecandy is average, nothing that really makes me go “WOW RUX!!!” or stuff.

    Placement of Stuff: Some things about it I dont like. Carrot placement is good, one full energy in the middle of the level. Ammo placement is dullish, the ammo is mostly placed in squarish rectanglish clumps, and more effort should of been put into placing the ammo. Sometimes I feel as if there is too much ammo, and you shouldn’t place crates containing 15 of one type of ammo together (96, 62) since 30 RF ammo in one place = too much, and if a person keeps repeatedly shooting the crates constantly, there will be a lot of ammo in one place causing ammo lag (like in the seeker area in b1), so never underestimate ammo crates. Powerup placement isn’t so good. The seeker is placed fairly well, although some may complain its too close to the carrot. The RF and blaster are way too close, and makes it biased to the blue team, since they have two powerups right next to them. The bouncer powerup is placed on the red side, although it is farther from the base than the RF and Blaster are from the blue base. This makes it even more biased for the blue team. 4 Powerups in this is also too much. Overall, I don’t like the placement of powerups or ammo too much.

    OVERALL: The level could of been better, if some things could of been fixed and/or removed, the rating of this could of increased significantly. Although in it’s current state, I don’t think I’d really duel in here. The music rux though.

    Gameplay: 7.7
    Layout: 7.3
    Eyecandy: 7.3
    Placement of stuff: 6.9
    Overall: 7.5
    Final rating: 7.34, which I’ll be nice and upgrade to a 7.5. The level is good, but there are too many cons in it, a few more work with it could of improved its rating.

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    Scizor CT Posted more than 21 years ago


    First off: Weirdest. Name. EVER. And that’s beating out “The Zerox Factory” and “This level is untitled.” Even a Google search only came up with two irrelevant hit to some guy’s email address, and it wasn’t even the same anyway. Moving on…

    Unfortunately, this is a level where, had it been playtested and polished a bit more, could have been more than it is. Many aspects of it just don’t quite make sense, and others are just unbalanced.


    The level is more or less your typical CTF, although with quite a few more sucker tubes than anything else. I can’t say that there’s anything overly special or bad about the gameplay, although I wouldn’t recommend this to groups bigger than 3vs3. The water is a nice addition, but it also discourages use of the bottom path due to the slowness of swimming. Speaking of paths between the bases, there’re only two. Maybe only 1 and a half, because the bottom path ceases to exist in the middle. This ends up being very linear overall, because there just aren’t really choices as far as getting around goes. The sucker tubes, although not a bad idea, per se, are a bit too ubiquitous, and in some cases are completely redundant (55,67; 83,67; 25, 76). Flow, on the other hand, is very, very good as a result, barring the hanging piece of ground that BR mentioned. There’re a couple spots that Jazz has a little trouble getting to, but the vast amounts of tubes pretty much makes up for that. The only other thing, layout-wise, that this really, really needs is a path under/through the middle. Camping is far, far too easy because you have to go through one specific and easily defensible point to get between the bases.


    Also not an overly strong point, regrettably. From what I saw, there is absolutely no foreground eyecandy outside of a little grass, which hurts, considering that it could have really helped out the looks of the level. Otherwise, there’s nothing particularly bad about the eyecandy. It just happens to be the same stuff that we saw back in 1994. The music choice works, as it sounds somewhat like what you might have heard back in the day of JJ1. Maybe not entirely appropriate, but it’s catchy nonetheless.

    Item placement:

    Oog. This is a doozy. For starters, LR has placed four powerups in the level, two of which are within 10 tiles of each other and placed right next to the Blue base. The RF powerup is encased in a wall underwater, and must be obtained with the EBs that aren’t too far away. The Blaster powerup is right next to it, also underwater, and would be very useful, given the amount of Fastfire in the level. I say would be, because of the Seeker powerup located in the middle of the level, right underneath the level’s Full NRG carrot. The location of the Seekers and the Full NRG is a bit closer to the Blue base also, and it doesn’t help that while Blue has an open path to them, Red has a nice big cliff. Incidentally, whoever can camp in the center can control the level, thanks to the fact that both of those are right on the level’s only path between bases. Finally, Red gets a Bouncy powerup, also underwater, although not as close to their base as the RF and Blaster are to Blue. In contrast, much of the basic ammo is situated on the Red half of the level. However, I must question the logic in placing two RF crates (which create a massive pile of ammo over time, ala B1) right next to each other, while 12 more +3 RF ammo wait right below them. The only EB and Toaster ammo in the level is placed closer to Blue, and Bouncy ammo is just plain scarce in comparison with RF or Seeker ammo. Both sides also have a few Fastfires placed right next to their base.


    Despite what you may think from the review, I’ve still had quite a bit of fun playing this. However, it needed more work and polish before being released, and that hurt the rating significantly. I can only hope that LR will fix and rerelease this, as it could be much better than it is.

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    Sk8terboy Posted more than 21 years ago



    Yet another level from Labratkid.
    So let’s get rating…(by the way weird name :D)

    Eyecandy: Original, Pretty main eyecandy, barely any foreground usage. The eyecandy is good enough, but a few tiles used more then once in the same area annoyed me a bit.

    Gameplay: Good, if you are playing with spaz. It is a bit of a pain to be jazz in this level. The CTF bases are balanced but takes a short time ot get from one ot another using the top path. Thank goodness for sucker tubes to make a quick escape from an enemy, but they are everywhere and you might run into one you didn’t want to. But hey, that’s life.

    Pickup placement: Good, I just thought you overused Seekers a bit. Is it me, or is there only one carrot in the whole level?

    Bugs: None that I could find

    Overall: Good level

    Download Recommendation: Yes, good enough for any CTF fan.

    Rating: 8.6

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    Lark Posted more than 21 years ago

    Scizor, the word ‘polyglot’ means the speaking or writing in many languages, and I turned it into Polyglotics for an ownage name. Why did I name it this? Who knows? It just sounds cool. =P Thx for reviewing.

    SkulL Posted more than 21 years ago

    (Extremely unsupported rating removal edit. ~Violet)[This review has been edited by Violet CLM]