J2vf: Mez-Tastic

  • Rating: 6.2

Reviews and comments

    blurredd Posted more than 21 years ago


    For a second there, I thought I might have actually almost sort of liked this level.


    This level looks more suited for a melee than an actual CTF game. I came to this conclusion based off of the small layout and the limited routes base to base. There simply isn’t much to this level. I can’t say the layout is too original. I dislike the warp target over the red spring (players could get stuck on that spring when hit while warping). The only decent part about this is that it’s balanced, but that’s only because it’s symmetrical.


    The eye candy is probably the best feature of this level, although it isn’t perfect and looks odd in various places. The lighting could also be better.


    Here lies a few more things I rather dislike. I don’t like how the full energy carrot is so close to the RF and toaster powerups. I know it’s a small level, but that’s not an excuse. My other complaint has to go with the ammo placement. While there is enough ammo throughout the level, it seems a bit too easy too access. This isn’t a big problem, but it does help make the gameplay a little more chaotic.


    I can’t say yes. Bigger is still better. And add more routes next time. I’m making 6.2 my rating, but this level is better than the last one.

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