Jungle Dudle

  • Rating: 6.5

Reviews and comments

    cooba Posted more than 21 years ago




    Level (you guessed it) uses Jungle (2) Tileset by Nick Stadler or whoever. BG is stolen from standard Jungle 2 Level. It looks nice though. But layer 4 isn’t so rich in case of eyecandy. Add more plants (too less of ‘em), it’ll looks better. Like real jungle.

    PROS : Nice BG (although stolen), no tilebugs

    CONS : Too less of it on layer 4

    – 16 points out of 20 here –


    Aww, it is nice. Jazz and Spaz has a brand other ways, a maze, and other. And some funny stuff like “destroy correct crate”. They’re and they would be fun forever (I placed a TNT nearby of ‘em and they blow up. Wow, I’m so snare). I guess that they would meet somewhere (Jazz & Spaz), but I’m too lazy to look. And of course a boss at end. Bilsy has a too narrow arena, and ALL of the blocks under him should be stompable (to make it a bit of challenge). I bet him easily ‘coz he’s easy as heck when you found out this buttstomp trick (When you’re floating in air before buttstomping, any bullet can’t hurt you – Bilsy’s fireballs also).

    PROS : Awesome gameplay, not boring
    CONS : Bilsy has tiny arena

    – 19 points out of 20 –


    Hmm. Placement of goodies is good. Not too much, and they’re fitting to Jungle level (fruits instead of meat and cakes). There’s a bit too many of ammo, as well of foes. They’re all in original places, but they’re a bit overused. O, a coin warp. But it’s a weird thing that when playing Jazz I get 21 coins, while Spaz get ‘em just 15. Hmm. Maybe I’m lazy to finding secrets, or it’s just Jazz biasing. I don’t know exactly.

    PROS : Good placed and fitting food

    CONS : Overused ammo and foes

    – 15 points out of 20 –


    Level is a mediocre in case of length. It’s not too big and not too small. Good. Spaz starts level in a dark room, while Jazz isn’t. He should. There’s not much of a different changes like other music, or something. It’s nice though. O, a water. But it’s appear for just few seconds. I think that it’s useless in this level, but there’s nothing wrong with placing it. And you misspelled Doodle. Lol.

    PROS : Water, level’s not too short

    CONS :Jazz starts with completely light unlike Spaz, all things are basic, misspelled name

    – 10 points out of 20 –

    OVERALL -> 16 + 19 + 15 + 10 = 60

    Rating : 60 : 10 = 6 (it’s obvious :>)
    Rank for level : AVERAGE (stupid ranking system)
    D/L strongly Recommended.

    We all want levels like this! Boy, join J2VF, you are welcome with level like this.

    Agent Cooba of J2VF
    The nasty Doofus-Guard. Do not touch.

    And it’s not multiple. You can play it in Co-op, but it’s a SP.


    Snooz, that is how math works. But you are right, I’m underrating it. Rating raised.[This review has been edited by Cooba]

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    snzspeed Posted more than 21 years ago


    Yeah, its a time to reveiw. yay.

    Well, is this worth of download recommedation? i think so. from the zip, youll find a challenging Single-player level by Saldarax. But lets continue with my stupid reveiw. yay.
    Well, i think this level deserves better than 6.. ;p
    but rating will be not over 7, because its too linear, when you play tihs level is mostly just running in flat ground.. there were nice eyecandy things like leaves and tree.. that is good. it made me rate higher. gameplay is fine too, and music choicwe is good. level is original too. Good job Saldarax, and like Cooba said, you’re probably welcome to j2vf. Good job. :)


    ~Snooz XSD aka NiQ CC of J2VF

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